On Aug 12, 4:59 pm, Robert <m...@rschwarz.net> wrote:
> Maybe another feature would be to check if arithmetic of units is
> compatible, so that you'd get an error when you try to add temperature
> to length, for example. I got this idea from a tutorial of the c++
> boost library 
> athttp://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_39_0/libs/mpl/doc/tutorial/dimensiona...

DimPy already checks units during addition etc. (I'll add that to the
tutorial, but for the time being you can see it in the documentation:
http://www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/dimpy/sage/dimpy/quantity.html )


Thinking about the symbolic methods again now, the problem I saw when
I looked into that is that in a physical equation each variable has
units and there needs to be a way of keeping the units associated with
the variables even as we combine symbolic expressions.
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