On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 11:08 AM, Dorian Raymer <deldo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Evaluating Kiran's CELL 1 in a codenode python notebook returns a similar
> error:
>   File "<input>", line 1
>     u = 2+3
>    ^
> IndentationError: unexpected indent
> I don't think this is a sign of any bug, it is simply bad Python syntax. It
> doesn't make sense to exec something with leading white space with no
> preceding lines.
> One interesting clue to add to William's investigation... If you strip the
> leading white space of the first line, and evaluate in codenode, you get
> this:
> CELL 1:
> 2+2
>    2+3
> 4
>   File "<input>", line 1
>     2+3
>    ^
> IndentationError: unexpected indent
> In the sage notebook, the output of the same input is "4" *without* the
> IndentationError statement, the same as the result in question (when the
> first line has 3 initial white spaces).
> This must have to do with sage pre-parsing out the white space of the
> initial line. In codenode, valid command blocks are built up (similar to
> sage, have look at 
> _runcommands<http://github.com/codenode/codenode/blob/cf5bc117fa7e1312426b7c1c134b59ca47203a83/codenode/backend/kernel/engine/python/interpreter.py#L102>if
>  you want). A cell may contain one or more valid commands. The interpreter
> processes the input looking for complete commands to compile. Once it has a
> complete command, it pauses processing the raw input, execs that command,
> and then resumes processing the raw input until it has all been compiled and
> exec'd.

 Very nice.  So in codenode does the following display the output of
counting to 10 twice?  (Sorry for being lazy.)

for i in range(10):
for i in range(10):


I think what you're doing is better than what sagenb does...


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