Hi Golam,

I'm replying to this e-mail so I can answer each of your points below
easily. I was very busy when you sent this message to write a proper

On Sun, 19 Jul 2009 13:08:28 -0300
Golam Mortuza Hossain <gmhoss...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have spent considerable amount of time in last one month
> working with new symbolics. Overall, I am impressed with
> it.
> However, my experience with new derivative makes me
> wonder whether the pynac "fderivative" construct is really
> worth the efforts!

Please see my arguments below.

> While implementing functional derivative and integration
> algorithm for generalized function using new symbolics, I
> have been brought to near a dead end because of new
> derivative.

Many thanks for all your efforts and persistence. 

I agree that there are lots of rough edges in the current (new)
symbolics subsystem, and working with it is rather frustrating. We
definitely need more help to complete the transition to pynac and move

> It....
> (1) Breaks substitution:
> Arguments of derivative can't be substituted
> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/6480

Thanks to Mike Hansen's SubstituteFunction converter, at the moment you
can do this:

sage: f = function('f')
sage: t1 = f(x).derivative(x)
sage: t1.substitute_function(f, g)

(I have the typesetting changes at #6344 applied.)

Unfortunately, the cases

sage: t1 = f(x+y).derivative(x)


sage: t1.substitute_function(f, f+g)

fail for different reasons.

IIRC, the first one is caused by a check put in to limit which
expressions we convert to Maxima before calling its differential
equation solver. This check should be moved closer to the interface
since there is no reason to limit the arguments of the D[...](...)

The second one fails because we don't allow arithmetic with symbolic
functions yet, so the last argument f+g cannot be evaluated. I think we
should just implement arithmetic, though an easier fix is to come up
with a way to give arguments to .substitute_function() without
requiring the arithmetic.

One way to solve the problem of arithmetic with symbolic functions is
to integrate them with the current callable symbolic functions.
E.g., things you get by doing:

sage: f(x,y) = 2*x + y
sage: f
(x, y) |--> 2*x + y

We could either use the existing CallableSymbolicExpressionRing
implementation and force the user to give names to the arguments, to
get something like:

sage: f
(x,y) -> f(x,y)
sage: g
(x,y) -> g(x,y)
sage: f+g
(x,y) -> f(x,y) + g(x,y)

Or we define a new parent for these, and let them have variable number
of unnamed arguments, keeping the current behavior. This would also let
us do this (from Maple):

> (f+g)(x);
                                  f(x) + g(x)

> (f+g)(x,y);
                               f(x, y) + g(x, y)

Note that MMA doesn't seem to support this (or I don't know the syntax
for it):

In[10]:= (f+g)[x]

Out[10]= (f + g)[x]

> (2) Nightmare for writing integration algorithm:
> If  h = f(g(x)).diff(x) then integrate(h, x) is trivial.  However, in
> new symbolics to do so, one needs compute
> integrate( D[0](f)(g(x, y))*D[0](g)(x, y), x)
> Let me claim:  Integrating an expression involving new symbolic
> derivative is at best EQUAL and often MORE computationally EXPENSIVE
> than its "diff" counterpart.

Are you saying that if we stop evaluating (partial) derivatives,
integrating them would be easier? :)

We just need to implement a simple heuristic to handle the example
above. If you follow the link to the Algorithms in Computer Algebra
book by Geddes, Czapor and Labahn in the symbolics wiki page


(second item under the title Integration)

You'll see this text at the end of page 473:

  [...] When the above methods [table lookup] fail, MAPLE uses a form
  of substitution called the "derivative-divides" method. This method
  examines the integrand to see if it has a composite function
  structure. If this is the case, it then attempts to substitute for
  any composite functions, f(x), by dividing its derivative into the
  integrand and checking if the result is independent of x after the
  substitution u = f(x) occurs.

Some examples of what other systems do:

Mathematica 7.0 for Linux x86 (32-bit)
Copyright 1988-2008 Wolfram Research, Inc.

In[1]:= t = D[f[g[x]],x]

Out[1]= f'[g[x]] g'[x]

In[2]:= Integrate[t,x] 

Out[2]= f[g[x]]

Note that MMA doesn't store any more information than we do about the

In[3]:= FullForm[t]

Out[3]//FullForm= Times[Derivative[1][f][g[x]], Derivative[1][g][x]]

    |\^/|     Maple 12 (IBM INTEL LINUX)
._|\|   |/|_. Copyright (c) Maplesoft, a division of Waterloo Maple
    Inc. 2008 \  MAPLE  /  All rights reserved. Maple is a trademark of
 <____ ____>  Waterloo Maple Inc.
      |       Type ? for help.
> t:=diff(f(g(x)),x);
                                           /d      \
                           t := D(f)(g(x)) |-- g(x)|
                                           \dx     /

> integrate(t,x);

I don't know how to ask Maple for the internal representation of t, but
I doubt if it is different from what MMA, or we do.

> (4) Causes Maxima interface to break:
> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/6376

This is a serious bug in the maxima interface. It has nothing to do
with how we denote derivatives, if we use partial derivaties or
unevaluated ones.

Patches are welcome.

> (4) Gives mathematically non-sensical results:
> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/6465

This is also an independent problem. With recent changes in pynac, you
stated that you fixed this:


> (5) Looses information irrecoverably:
> From "D[0](f)(x-a)" its not possible to decide whether original
> variable of differentiation was "x" as in f(x-a).diff(x)  or "a"
> as in -f(x-a).diff(a). This again affects integration algorithm.

What is the lost information in this case? D[0](f)(x-a) is both
f(x-a).derivative(x) and -f(x-a).derivative(a).

sage: f(x-a).derivative(x)
D[1](f)(-a + x)
sage: -f(x-a).derivative(a)
D[1](f)(-a + x)

Where do you need the variable?

If we had a proper inverse for differentiation you could recover both
of these easily.

In[7]:= u = Derivative[1][f][x-a]

Out[7]= f'[-a + x]

In[8]:= Integrate[u, a]

Out[8]= -f[-a + x]

In[9]:= Integrate[u, x]

Out[9]= f[-a + x]

Unfortunately, the integrate command in Sage fails miserably on the
above examples.

> (6) Compact?
> It is true that this format is sometime compact but consider
> the counter example:
> ------
> sage: f( g(x) + h(x) ).diff(x)
> (D[0](g)(x) + D[0](h)(x))*D[0](f)(g(x) + h(x))
> ------
> In old symbolics it takes less space to print
> -----
> sage: f( g(x) + h(x) ).diff(x)
> diff(f(h(x) + g(x)), x, 1)
> -----
> (7) Printing issues:
>  We are still debating on this in separate thread.

The debate seems to be over. There is a patch at #6344. Can someone
please review it?

> My question now is it really worth solving all of the
> above issue to keep working with fderivative of pynac?

As you can see from the output from other systems above, they use a
similar notation and data structure to represent partial derivatives. I
think it's worth considering why they chose to do things that way.

> Or should we just restore old "diff" by simply sub-classing it
> from SFunction like what is being done  for "integration"
> and others?

IIRC, you wrote that your implementation can coexist with the current
one in Sage. Why don't you submit your changes so people can try out
both approaches?

Maple also has an inert "Diff" operator, your implementation can be the
Sage equivalent.



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