I agree that overall things are in good shape, with a few comments
about potential vulnerabilities:

1) Obviously 'was' is key at this point, as has already been pointed
out - though not necessarily for day-to-day operations, which is
already a huge step.  The more stuff written up, as Robert and Minh
suggest (and are doing), the better.

2) It seems (and this is just "seems") that there are far fewer people
involved who are intimately familiar with build procedures on the vast
panoply of architectures and OSes we do (or hope to) support.  Adding
code and spkg's seems to be quite streamlined now, but because Sage
wants to be buildable from scratch pretty much everywhere, detailed
technical knowledge not directly related to theoretical math or CS is
a must - knowledge of a type relatively few college-straight-to-the-
academy types will have, though I am always impressed that there are
so many Sage developers who do!  So if two or three (not just one, but
not a lot) people have a crisis, graduate, or become frustrated with
Sage, that could be problematic until that hole was filled.

3) In terms of sheer "man-hours" (whatever that is), we seem to rely a
little heavily on current graduate students interested in this sort of
thing, whether William's or others in related disciplines.  That's
fine, but recruiting will need to continue if they are ever to finish
and/or if their "real" jobs, when they come, are less flexible.  So
it's not exactly a problem in the sense of the article, but something
to be aware of which is related.

4) There are a few places where we are relying on forks of big
projects.  I don't know if these are robust from the standpoint of
this article - certainly Cython seems to be doing quite well! - but at
any rate we have to be aware if any vital upstream project is in a
position for something like this to happen.

But in general, long live Sage!
- kcrisman
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