Dear John,

Unfortunately, this is the support list for the mathematics software
Sage (, not the accounting software Sage.
There seems to be some support at
but that's the best we can direct you.  Good luck!

- kcrisman

On Jul 23, 6:08 pm, John <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm really struggling with this one,
> 'All' I need is a single line of Aged Debtor analysis to appear on a
> form in Access, from a list of outstanding customer transactions,
> grouped by Current, 30 days, 60 days 90+ days, as the sage accounts
> does in the reports section.
> I have been playing around with the ms query on the sales ledger table
> but not sure how to get the transactions grouped into the appropriate
> 30, 60 90+ category.
> Any ideas on this one?
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