On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 11:21 AM, nrbruin<nbr...@sfu.ca> wrote:
> I have wondered about Peter's problem as well. Particularly in larger
> classes, one wouldn't necessarily trust all students to behave nicely.
> In those cases, it would be nice to have a sage notebook that runs a
> little more locked down.
> As a point of feedback that some of the sage advocates might care
> about:
> The security concerns have prevented me from asking the local
> sysadmins to install a student-accessible notebook server. If we had
> one, I would be more inclined to include some sage-based assignments
> in courses (I have tried before, relying on the public servers - with
> mixed results)
> A partial solution would be to have a "sage coursework appliance",
> running as a virtual machine. In a virtual machine, there would be no
> problem binding (local) unix UIDs to sage notebook server accounts.
> Then the sage engine could be run setuid-ed to the corresponding user
> id, thus shielding students more properly from each other. Plus, an
> expert would only have to do all the setroot jailing etc. once, for
> the benefit of everybody else. I wouldn't trust myself, or the average
> sysadmin, with setting up a proper setroot jail.
> If there were an admin page where one can manage accounts in a big
> table (class list upload?), it could be quite straightforward to set
> up accounts for the course.
> In fact, there are universities that have a central authentication
> service, such as http://www.jasig.org/cas. If sage's authentication
> were to be made pluggable, plugging into services like that would be
> not particularly difficult and means you don't have to do any password
> management. There is a trusted third party that will vouch for the
> user's identity. All you're left with is to decide if that user is
> authorized to use the service. That means no handing out of login
> details in class! It also means that students are using the service
> with an account that is definitely trackable to them. That's a
> deterrent to misbehaviour.
> Perhaps William feels inclined to consider these options when he
> starts working on the notebook in September? He'll probably come up
> with much better solutions.

Yep, that's exactly my plan.  I think everybody agrees that a
trivial-to-use implementation of
the sort of backed infrastructure you describe above would vastly
increase the potential deployability of Sage.    Many thanks for
clearly laying out what users need above.


> >

William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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