I used Macsyma in the early 80s when it was still free (I think the
condition was that you had to promise to report a bug if/when you
found one, and I did in fact find one in the matrix inversion code!).
I then moved to a university with no money or suitable computers at
the time Macsyma went commercial, so lost the use of the code I had
written.  [I think that the first modular elliptic curve I ever
computed was using Macsyma in about 1983 or 1984.]

I understand that the main obstacle stopping Magma becoming free (in
all senses) is the attitude of the University of Sydney to the
intellectual property of its emplyees -- rather than any individual's


2009/7/15 Ondrej Certik <ond...@certik.cz>:
> On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 6:30 PM, William Stein<wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 2:38 PM, Ondrej Certik<ond...@certik.cz> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 3:27 PM, Pablo De Napoli<pden...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I have left the following comment on the blog...
>>>> "However, the GPL means that people cannot realistically use SAGE in a
>>>> commercial tool, either as a platform/runtime, or as an embedded
>>>> component."
>>>> What it is the justification for this claim? Why wouldn't the GPL
>>>> allow one to use SAGE as a "commercial tool"?
>>>> I think that a GPL program like Sage might well have commercial
>>>> applications. For instance: you could use Sage for modelling an
>>>> industrial process. There is nothing in the GPL against that.
>> Yes, that comment does seem a little off.  E.g., people use Linux as a
>> commercial tool, platform, and embedded component in commercial
>> products all the time.
>> Anyway, I just posted the following on that blog, which was about the
>> whole paragraph, which I thought wasn't quite on target.  I
>> unfortunately made a statement about NZMATH that isn't so nice, but
>> the fact is that it is the perfect example to illustrate why GPL is a
>> vastly better choice of license for the Sage project than BSD.  (Short
>> answer -- because we get to work with the GAP, Singular, maxima, and
>> PARI projects because we use the GPL license.  If we used BSD we
>> couldn't.  Working with Gap/Singular/Maxima/PARI rocks.)
>> I'm the director of the Sage project, and I would like  to clarify a
>> possible misconception that the following statement you made might
>> suggest: "SAGE, an open-source Pythonic replacement for
>> Maple/Mathematica/Magma/Matlab, is another very successful project,
>> but they staunchly use the GPL. Their reasoning is much like Zed’s,
>> because the symbolic math software community has been burned in the
>> past by people profiting from proprietary extensions of BSD code
>> without attribution or contribution. However, the GPL means that
>> people cannot realistically use SAGE in a commercial tool, either as a
>> platform/runtime, or as an embedded component. The SAGE authors have,
>> presumably, weighed the trade-offs and decided it’s ultimately more
>> valuable to be protected than to have the contributions of that
>> segment of developers."
>> This gives us far too much credit.  In fact, the Sage project uses the
>> GPL because every single one of the major symbolic mathematics
>> programs that Sage builds upon --  Maxima, Singular, PARI, NTL, and
>> GAP -- chose to use the GPL (not LGPL) back in the 1990s.   If it
>> weren't for Sage building on those projects (and their amazing
>> communities!), Sage's capabilities would still be quite small in
>> comparison to Mathematica, Maple, and Magma.   Sage uses the GPL
>> because we have no choice but to use the GPL.
> There is no doubt about your argument with  Maxima, Singular, PARI,
> NTL, thus the Sage as a whole must be GPL. However, you still have the
> right to choose a license for your own code, that can run without
> those GPL components.
> Things like the build system, notebook, and your own code in Sage for
> the math stuff. For this, you explained the position here:
> http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel/msg/800a6bed4a979cd0
> E.g. you are in fact very open to have BSD build system and I like
> that, e.g. it is just waiting for the scipy community to pick this up.
> For other things (besides the build system), you wrote:
> "
> Anyway, +1 to their being a BSD'd build system.    Most code in Sage
> is GPL'd because either (1) it is derived from code GPL'd a decade
> ago, or (2) we'll get ripped off by the Ma's.    The build system
> doesn't fall into either category.
> "
> So I think the cathegory (2) is the thing that Peter was talking about
> in his blogpost. That you made some decision, e.g. it was not 100%
> enforced by the cathegory (1).
>> There is a Python project called NZMATH that was started at the same
>> time as Sage, is BSD licensed, and original had exactly the same goals
>> as Sage.  It continues to be excellent evidence that Sage would not
>> succeed without building on the great work of the GAP, Singular, PARI,
>> and Maxima projects.  See http://tnt.math.metro-u.ac.jp/nzmath/.
> I thought nzmath is just for number theory, while Sage has much broader goals.
> Ondrej
> >

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