Dear William,

On Tue, Jul 07, 2009 at 11:00:00AM -0700, William Stein wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 9:35 AM, Anne Schilling<> wrote:
> > Let me reiterate Nicolas' message that it would be really
> > great to have his category code (and hopefully the root system
> > and affine crystal patches) integrated into Sage before FPSAC
> > which starts in less than two weeks from now! I spent a serious
> > amount of time getting the affine crystal code ready for FPSAC,
> > and I know Nicolas did as well for the category/root system
> > patches.
> >
> > I was at a conference in Ottawa last week and gave a short demo
> > on the affine crystal code there. Some people wanted to start
> > using the code, but had trouble installing Sage-combinat (on top
> > of Sage) since it requires additional development tools.
> >
> > If all of this code was already in Sage, I am sure things will
> > go much smoother at FPSAC and the *-Combinat days following it.
> >
> I propose that before FPSAC we just make two releases of Sage in parallel:
>   (1) sage-4.1.tar
>   (2) sagecombinat-4.1.tar
> Version (1) will have passed the full Sage referee process, testing
> process, etc.
> Version (2) will have not, but will include *all* of *-Combinat in it.
>     It would not be too much extra work for me to build binaries for
> both.  The source and binaries can be posted in a directory on
> sage.math, so it's still easy for people to get.
> Thoughts?
> This would mean making something easily available for users that has
> not just the category code but everything else in *-combinat.

Ah, some sort of preview release. This could a  way to handle the
situation. Thanks for offering this idea!

It's probably best to not put all of *-Combinat, but only those stable
parts that are waiting for reviews Sage. As a side effect this will
make for a dry-run release, checking that their integration indeed
goes smoothly (or not!).

Just out of curiosity: do you think sage -upgrade would be able to
handle the later transition sagecombinat-4.1 -> sage-4.2?

> To do this, could somebody ASAP build sage-4.1.rc0.tar, pull and
> rebase all the *-combinat stuff against it?

Will do this afternoon, and put some guards to mark those part we want
to integrate into sagecombinat-4.1.

Nicolas M. ThiƩry "Isil" <>

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