Hi folks,

Knapsack problems and their algorithmic solutions have many
applications in industry, with operation research and cryptography to
name two. As many, if not all, of the operation research software of
COIN-OR are covered by licenses that are incompatible with GPLv2+, I
have thought about writing a Sage interface to a COIN-OR software
package for solving knapsack problems. However, let me admit that I'm
not an expert in combinatorial optimization, my knowledge of knapsack
problems is what one would get from undergraduate courses in discrete
mathematics and linear optimization, and I'm a COIN-OR beginner. So
please correct me if I make wrong or misleading statements about

OK, now to the fun bits. As far as I look, I haven't been able to find
such a COIN-OR software package for solving knapsack problems. (If you
know of such a package, please provide me with a pointer to it.) So I
implemented a small knapsack problem solver module in


In case you're wondering, yes, it's in Sage already since version
4.0.2. As algorithmic solutions to knapsack problems are of great
importance to industry, I would like to rewrite that knapsack module
in Cython. From that Cythonized module, I plan to implement more
efficient algorithms in Cython for solving various types of knapsack
problems. This is in contrast to continue using the above Python
module and implement more algorithms on top of it. I thought I should
put this proposal through sage-devel first, so there wouldn't be any
surprises when I show up with a Cythonized version of a module in the
Sage library.

So my question is: Do folks agree or disagree with me Cythonizing


and implement further algorithms in Cython?

Minh Van Nguyen

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