> should be the highest value of the plot. I assume that the show
> boundaries overwrite the plot boundaries. I can see that this is
> necessary if a function has a vertical asymptote in the plotted range,
> but maybe it would be helpful to still make sure that the values at the

Again, I don't think this is what is happening.  For instance,

sage: Q = plot(2^(-20*x),(x,1,10))
sage: Q.get_minmax_data()['ymax']
sage: 2^(-20)
sage: _.n()

All your data is plotted.

What is happening is that axis creation needs work.  In this case, it
turns out that the offense is that there is no check for numbers with
the e- notation for lots of zeros (e+ works without an explicit
check).  That probably wouldn't be too hard to fix for someone who is
comfortable with Python string stuff, though I am not sure exactly how
it would end up looking typeset.  For comparison, try

sage: plot(2^(20*x),(x,10,50))

which seems to be about as much as float can handle (e+300, about); it
can cut off the left-hand part of the numbers.

- kcrisman
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