> ipdb> print ex
> arctan2(real_part(y) + imag_part(x), real_part(x) - imag_part(y))
> Both of these fail because Sage doesn't define a symbolic arctan2
> function. There is instead a simple wrapper around arctan in
> sage/functions/trig.py:
> sage: arctan2(x,y)
> arctan(x/y)
> It's possible that this worked on 4.0, and I broke it with #6244.
> I opened a ticket:
> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/6421
> I don't think I will have time to fix this in the next few days. Feel
> free to replicate one of the Function_* classes in
> sage/functions/trig.py to define a new symbolic function called
> arctan2, with ginac conversion atan2.

Just FYI, in 4.0.1 neither of the original plots work (something about
calling float()...).


sage: arctan2(1,-1)
sage: atan2(1,-1)
sage: maxima.atan2(1,-1)
sage: math.atan2(1,-1)
sage: SR(1).arctan2(-1)

Question: Sage's current arctan2/atan2 seems to be the only such thing
that does NOT go from -pi to pi (because it is arctan(y/x), quadrant
is ignored).  Is this a problem, either for fixing #6421 or for other
reasons?  My inclination would be to have Sage's arctan2 simply call
math.atan2 or something else, but at any rate to be consistent.

- kcrisman
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