Hi folks,

Here is a release note for Sage 4.0.2. I'm sending this only to
sage-release and sage-devel. The announcement on sage-announce will be
forthcoming when binaries are in order, and a release tour is ready.

Sage 4.0.2 was released on June 18th, 2009. It is available at


* About Sage (http://www.sagemath.org)

Sage is developed by volunteers and combines 83 open source packages.
It is available for download from www.sagemath.org and its mirrors in
source or binary form. If you have any questions and/or problems,
please report them to the Google groups sage-devel or sage-support.
You can also drop by in #sage-devel or #sage-support in freenode.


The following 36 people contributed to this release. Of those, 2 made
their first contribution to Sage:

 * Alex Ghitza
 * Burcin Erocal
 * Carl Witty
 * Craig Citro
 * Dan Gordon
 * Dan Shumow
 * David Joyner
 * David Kirkby
 * David Kohel
 * David Loeffler
 * Fidel Barrera Cruz [first contribution]
 * Florent Hivert
 * Francis Clarke
 * Franco Saliola
 * Harald Schilly
 * Jason Grout
 * Jerome Lefebvre [first contribution]
 * Jim Stankewicz
 * John Cremona
 * John Palmieri
 * Josh Kantor
 * Karl-Dieter Crisman
 * Kiran Kedlaya
 * Maite Aranes
 * Martin Albrecht
 * Michael Abshoff
 * Mike Hansen
 * Minh Van Nguyen
 * Nick Alexander
 * Nicolas Thiery
 * Rob Beezer
 * Robert Bradshaw
 * Robert Miller
 * Sebastien Labbe
 * William Stein
 * Yann Laigle-Chapuy

Release managers: Nick Alexander, Craig Citro

* Major Features, New Spkgs and Bug fixes

  * Upgrade NumPy, SciPy, Singular, and FLINT to latest upstream releases
  * A script to automate the testing and merging of tickets
  * LaTeX output for combinatorial graphs
  * New features for linear algebra include Hermite normal form over
    principal ideal domains
  * New features for number theory include elliptic curve isogeny,
    elliptic curve logarithm, and local and global heights for number fields

For all the details of what else changed in Sage 4.0.2, please see the
release tour in the Sage wiki at


* Bug Statistics

We closed 84 tickets. For details see


or check out the closed ticket section at the end of the announcement.

* Upcoming Release

The upcoming release is Sage 4.0.3. The focus will be on increasing
support for mpmath, upgrade to Python 2.6, and cleaning up mergeable tickets.

* Doctesting Coverage

For 4.0.1 we had:

Overall weighted coverage score: 77.2%
Total number of functions: 21988

In 4.0.2, we increased coverage by 0.3%, while adding 194 functions:

Overall weighted coverage score: 77.5%
Total number of functions: 22182

* Closed Tickets:

#4559: fixed due to #5954
#5341: William Stein: jsmath broken on wiki [Reviewed by Burcin Erocal]
#6248: Craig Citro: remove executable bits from sage-README-osx.txt
[fixed by removing the executable bits]
#6285: fixed due to #6244
#6298: fixed by merging in optional repository

Merged in Sage 4.0.2.final

#6360: Craig Citro: Change -O2 to -O0 in singular spkg [Reviewed by
Nick Alexander]

Merged in Sage 4.0.2.rc3

#6170: Craig Citro, Nick Alexander: automate applying patches from a
ticket and testing them [Reviewed by Craig Citro, Nick Alexander]
#6295: Burcin Erocal: build runs sphinx-build even on failure
[Reviewed by Craig Citro]
#6297: Minh Van Nguyen: fix LaTeX formatting in
sage/schemes/elliptic_curves/period_lattice.py [Reviewed by Nick
#6306: John Palmieri: fix some reference manual issues for 4.0.2
[Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen]
#6308: Craig Citro: Fix scipy spkg to play nicely with gfortran and
g95 [Reviewed by William Stein]
#6346: William Stein: sage-4.0.2.rc2 build test problem on ppc os x
10.5 [Reviewed by Craig Citro]
#6350: Martin Albrecht: update M4RI to newest upstream release
(20090617) [Reviewed by Craig Citro]

Merged in Sage 4.0.2.rc2

#6303: John Cremona, Craig Citro: sage-4.0.2.rc0 test failure
[Reviewed by Nick Alexander]

Merged in Sage 4.0.2.rc1

#6202: Robert Bradshaw: bitset "noise" on solaris sparc (mark)
[Reviewed by William Stein]
#6241: William Stein: numerical noise (very easy to fix) on cicero
(redhat 9) i686 32-bit [Reviewed by Craig Citro]
#6266: David Kirkby: Build problem of sqlite on Solaris 10 with gcc
4.4.0 [Reviewed by William Stein]
#6299: Mike Hansen: major scoping error introduced by refactoring
dsage [Reviewed by Nick Alexander]
#6300: Martin Albrecht: doctest fix related to singular upgrad; needed
on 32-bit OS X intel, at least (maybe all 32-bit) [Reviewed by William

Merged in Sage 4.0.2.alpha0

#2256: Craig Citro: matrix inverse over CC raises ZeroDivisionError
[Reviewed by Jason Grout, Nick Alexander]
#2513: Craig Citro: Weird printing issues with gcc, caused by LANG
environment variable [Reviewed by William Stein]
#3391: Jason Grout: update scipy to 0.7 [Reviewed by Josh Kantor]
#3829: Burcin Erocal: wester.py disagrees with Wester!!! [Reviewed by
Alex Ghitza]
#5321: Martin Albrecht: follow up to #5287: improve mq.SR usability
even more [Reviewed by Burcin Erocal]
#5371: Michael Abshoff, Rob Beezer: change autosave defaults [Reviewed
by Rob Beezer, Kiran Kedlaya]
#5431: Mike Hansen: Command line parser fails on hex values with 'e'
[Reviewed by Robert Bradshaw]
#5444: Mike Hansen: ellipses + float = boom [Reviewed by Robert Bradshaw]
#5454: Robert Bradshaw: Add coercion documentation to the reference
manual [Reviewed by David Loeffler]
#5510: Martin Albrecht: update M4RI interface [Reviewed by Jason Grout]
#5539: John Palmieri: "sage -docbuild" could use a better error
message [Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen]
#5701: David Joyner: Remove Guava from standard Sage [Reviewed by Robert Miller]
#5771: John Palmieri: %latex should issue a warning if latex isn't
installed on the system [Reviewed by Rob Beezer]
#5842: Francis Clarke: Various number field improvements [Reviewed by
John Cremona, David Loeffler]
#5845: John Cremona: Fix precision bug in hilbert_class_polynomial()
[Reviewed by Alex Ghitza, Jim Stankewicz]
#5975: Robert Beezer, Fidel Barrera Cruz: Implement latex output for
(combinatorial) graphs [Reviewed by John Palmieri]
#5976: Dan Shumow: Add an Elliptic Curve Isogeny object [Reviewed by
John Cremona, David Kohel]
#6014: David Joyner: hexads in S(5,6,12) and mathematical blackjack
[Reviewed by Dan Gordon]
#6017: Provide methods for graphs to set options for latex printing
[closed due to #5975]
#6034: Martin Albrecht: update Singular to newest upstream release
[Reviewed by Kiran Kedlaya]
#6044: Maite Aranes: Enhanced reduction modulo ideals of number fields
[Reviewed by John Cremona, David Loeffler]
#6046: John Cremona: Implement local and global heights for number
field elements [Reviewed by Francis Clarke, Nick Alexander]
#6051: Martin Albrecht: Enable Singular's coefficient rings which are
not fields [Reviewed by Kiran Kedlaya]
#6089: John Palmieri: view command: don't always use jsMath [Reviewed
by Rob Beezer]
#6108: Mike Hansen: sage -tp skips all.py!! [Reviewed by Nick Alexander]
#6110: Carl Witty, Nicolas Thiery: implement a "decorator" to allow
pickling nested classes [Reviewed by Robert Bradshaw, Nicolas Thiery]
#6121: Robert Bradshaw, Nicolas Thiery: use metaclasses to support
nested class pickling [Reviewed by Nicolas Thiery]
#6123: Robert Miller: expose partition refinement functions to Python
[Reviewed by Nick Alexander]
#6140: Jason Grout: Upgrade numpy to 1.3.0 [Reviewed by Josh Kantor]
#6178: David Loeffler: Hermite normal form over PIDs [Reviewed by John Cremona]
#6185: Martin Albrecht: Add SBox -> CNF Conversion [Reviewed by Yann
#6188: David Loeffler: Add more files in sage/rings/number_field to
reference [Reviewed by John Cremona]
#6193: John Cremona: implement elliptic logarithm [Reviewed by Robert Bradshaw]
#6201: Alex Ghitza: CC() raises exception instead of returning 0
[Reviewed by John Palmieri]
#6205: Nick Alexander: add __invert__ to number field morphism
[Reviewed by Craig Citro]
#6211: Burcin Erocal: typesetting exp sometimes broken [Reviewed by
Nick Alexander]
#6213: Craig Citro: easy addition of an alias to eta product (trivial
ticket to deal with) [Reviewed by David Loeffler]
#6218: Nick Alexander: small changes to jacobian_morphism to make
hyperelliptic curve arithmetic faster [Reviewed by Kiran Kedlaya]
#6221: Minh Van Nguyen: typos in Lagrange interpolation polynomial
[Reviewed by Nick Alexander]
#6222: Minh Van Nguyen: typos in super-increasing code [Reviewed by
Nick Alexander]
#6225: Harald Schilly: add link to irc in notebook help page [Reviewed
by Nick Alexander]
#6226: Michael Abshoff, Florent Hivert, Minh Van Nguyen: developer's
guide: sections on formatting docstrings and trac guidelines [Reviewed
by John Palmieri, Minh Van Nguyen]
#6229: Yann Laigle-Chapuy: efficiency in Lagrange polynomial
interpolation (easy fix...) [Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen]
#6234: Craig Citro: make parallel GCC'ing of Sage library not
experimental [Reviewed by Nick Alexander]
#6244: Burcin Erocal: conjugate() in sage-4.0 is broken [Reviewed by
Nick Alexander]
#6250: Nicolas Thiery: Standardize MatrixGroup_gap: by adding
.cardinality, and deprecating __len__ [Reviewed by David Joyner]
#6252: Minh Van Nguyen: Add 11 people to the development map [Reviewed
by Mike Hansen]
#6256: Burcin Erocal: bug in symbolic arithmetic with exp [Reviewed by
Nick Alexander]
#6257: Karl-Dieter Crisman: Minor plot doc issues [Reviewed by John Palmieri]
#6259: Craig Citro: Fix spurious file creation in
sage/server/support.py [Reviewed by Nick Alexander]
#6260: William Stein: sage -startuptime is totally broken in
sage-4.0.1 [Reviewed by Mike Hansen]
#6263: Franco Saliola: Add __cmp__ method to ClassFunctions (group
characters) [Reviewed by Jerome Lefebvre, David Joyner]
#6264: Sebastien Labbe: ReST bug introduced by #5452 (missing '::'
before a sage block) [Reviewed by John Palmieri]
#6268: John Palmieri: Typesetting of sec(x), csc(x), cot(x) are broken
[Reviewed by Nick Alexander]
#6270: John Palmieri: add some files from the plot directory to the
reference manual [Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen]
#6271: Nick Alexander: upgrade to mpir-1.3.0 [Reviewed by Craig Citro]
#6272: Nick Alexander: upgrade to flint-1.3.0 [Reviewed by Craig Citro]
#6282: William Stein: document SAGE_CHECK [Reviewed by John Palmieri,
Nick Alexander]

Minh Van Nguyen

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