Dag Sverre Seljebotn wrote:
> Jason Grout wrote:
>> ghtdak wrote:
>>> On Jun 7, 11:29 am, Dag Sverre Seljebotn <da...@student.matnat.uio.no>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Glenn Tarbox, PhD wrote:
>>>>> setup.py is pulled directly from the cython tutorial docs:
>>>>> tar...@puget:$ cat setup.py
>>>>> from distutils.core import setup
>>>>> from distutils.extension import Extension
>>>>> from Cython.Distutils import build_ext
>>>>> setup(
>>>>>     cmdclass = {'build_ext': build_ext},
>>>>>     ext_modules = [Extension("testnumpy", ["testnumpy.pyx"])]
>>>>> )
>>>>> The numpy include directories were problematic previously (an extra
>>>>> "core" directory level recently introduced) although Trac indicates
>>>>> that issue was fixed and I'm "pretty sure" I first saw the include
>>>>> problem in the notebook which doesn't occur.
>>>> Note that that setup.py doesn't include NumPy headers, which are 
>>>> usually
>>>> needed if numpy is cimported. Please do
>>>> import numpy
>>>> ...
>>>> setup(
>>>>    ...
>>>>    ext_modules = [Extension(..., include_path=[numpy.get_include()])]
>>>> )
>>> cool.  a little reading / poking around and came up with:
>>> tar...@puget:$ cat setup.py
>>> from distutils.core import setup
>>> from distutils.extension import Extension
>>> from Cython.Distutils import build_ext
>>> import numpy
>>> setup(
>>>     cmdclass = {'build_ext': build_ext},
>>>     ext_modules = [Extension("testnumpy",
>>> ["testnumpy.pyx"],include_dirs=[numpy.get_include()])]
>>> )
>> I thought #6053 fixed the notebook numpy issue.  Is there more to the 
>> issue than what is done there?  Are the tests above being done on 4.0 
>> (e.g., sagenb.org)?
>> The following works fine on sage 4.0 (e.g., sagenb.org):
>> %cython
>> cimport numpy as np
>> import numpy as np
>> DTYPE = np.int
>> ctypedef  np.npy_intp DTYPE_t
>> Note that I had to change the ctypedef.  There is no int_t defined in 
>> the numpy.pxd file (devel/sage/sage/ext/numpy.pxd).  Should there be 
>> an np.int_t type?
> Hmm. Strange. Do you use the numpy.pxd shipped with Cython? You should 
> -- it evolves together with features in Cython, while the one shipping 
> with NumPy itself contains no support for things that has been going on 
> beyond Pyrex.
> int_t should be in there, see e.g.
> http://hg.cython.org/cython-devel/file/51fa7e425dc8/Cython/Includes/numpy.pxd#l260
> IIRC it's been there since the beginning.

Note that the numpy.pxd that ships with Python is in the default Cython 
include path -- so I'd expect simply removing sage/sage/ext/numpy.pxd to 
resolve the issue.

Sorry that I haven't got time now to test this myself.

Dag Sverre

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