As some of you know, I downloaded the Solaris toochain and managed to 
build sage on my Blade 2000. But Sage will not build on, due to a problem with gfortran.

The Blade 2500 on which the toolchain ws build is quite a similar 
machine to my Blade 2000, but t2 is quite different. However, t2 
*should* run any binary created on the Blade 2500.

I copied the toolchain to an older Ultra 60 of mine (2 x 450 MHz) and it 
fails to work on my U60 either. The error messages are different - even 
gcc fails on my Ultra 60

So does not appear to be unique in its inability 
to use the toolchain - nor can my U60.

(My Ultra 60 happens to have Solaris 10 update 4, which is the same as, which might be relavant.).

You may recall my recent thread '3.4.1 - 'mabshoff' hard-coded in 

where I reported an issue with errors like:

can't open /home/mabshoff/sparc-solaris-toolchain//lib/

Micheal said to change the paths in 
sparc-solaris-toolchain//lib/ and other files ending in .la 
in the directory sparc-solaris-toolchain//lib/

I just noticed on that the paths are hard-coded 
to /home/mabshoff/ too. I fixed those (renaming the original files with 
the extension .orig), but it has not made any improvement - gfortran 
still fails.

I'm hoping to build, test and install gcc-4.4.0 properly. While I have 
succeeded in building gcc-4.4.0 with no errors, the installation of 
gcc-4.0.0 was not perfect- I had to get make to skip some errors during 
the install process. I was unable to test gcc-4.4.0 since autogen does 
not exist on Autogen happens to be one of those 
annoying programs which has several dependancies, all of which have 
their own dependencies - i.e. installing it is a pain in the butt.

I did manage to use gcc-4.4.0 to compile part of Sage, but it failed 
when trying to compile pari. However, I don't really trust the gcc-4.4.0 
I built, as the installation was not flawless and I can't test it.

I'll look at this more in the next couple of days, but I will be tied up 
quite a bit on Monday. Clearly this is a non-trivial process. Every time 
i take a stop forward, it appears I need to go back two steps!


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