On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 10:32 AM, David Joyner wrote:
> I just want to pass along some ideas I got from Sage developers at the
> recent NSF-CDI conference in Rhode Island. I don't know how feasible
> they are.
I guess you meant "Maple developers"?

> (1) One Maple developer suggested that the pexpect interface
> Sage<->Maple could be improved using the Openmaple API
> (http://www.maplesoft.com/applications/view.aspx?SID=4383).
> Instead of passing strings back-and-forth, you simply pass pointers,
> which he said would be faster.

Yes. I've played with this a little. There is some good example C code
in the Maple distribution. The infamous new (new with release 9, I
think is was, the current release is 13) java-based user interface
uses Java bindings to this same API. Here a few more recent


http://code.google.com/p/pymaple   (Good idea, but doesn't look like
anything is happen here yet.)

Perhaps some useful code here:


So far as I know there is no licensing problem with linking to the
OpenMaple API dynamic library but of course to use it one would
actually have to install a licensed version of Maple.

> (2) Another person suggested that if one was to ask for Maple support
> in any sort of collaborative project (Hoon Hong suggested that research
> on interfaces is important and needs further development, for example),
> the best person to ask would be the guy in charge of R+D, whose name
> I have forgotten. Is there any objection to trying to pursue this angle? (I
> have no idea how fruitful it will be, but IMHO it can't hurt to ask.)

I agree. Why not? I used to use Maple a lot. Now I just as often use
Maple from within the Sage notebook.

I would be interested in helping in a project like this.

Bill Page.

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