On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 3:11 PM, rjf <fate...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If Wolfram said that he didn't show internal code because you were too
> stupid to do anything with it, that might be insulting.
> Even if it were true for the generic "you", it would be insulting for
> some people.
> If he said that he didn't show internal code because it would be (a)
> an added expense or (b) a loss of proprietary information, then that
> would be no more insulting than for most commercial programs.

In the video that started this discussion, Wolfram addresses at length
why  they don't include code.  You should watch it.  The short summary
is that he believes that they did used to include code (during the
early days of Mathematica) and "nobody looked at it" (exact quote from
the video).  In short, he argues that they do not include code for
Mathematica simply because people do not use or look at it (in his
opinion).  In fact, he says that he was frustrated that they put a lot
of work into making the source code easy to view, but people didn't
appreciate it.    I'm just summarizing what he actually said, not
trying to guess his intentions or put words in his mouth.

> As for finding bugs by reading code:   How do you assure that your
> "verification" by reading code has
> found all the bugs?

You don't.  It's just a fact that many people have observed that
reading code frequently results in finding bugs.


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