> >     sage: P>x^2+x
> > Expected:
> >     True
> > Got:
> >     False

Yes, I just added that test to show that Primes() has comparison.  I
was a little surprised to see the result, but it passed testing, so...

If someone posts a ticket with a suggested fix that makes Primes()
greater than everything, I can try to implement it - I  but for now I
just wanted to make sure it was clear Primes() did compare to weird
things and not throw an error.

Note in the docstring for comparing (current) symbolics that
        Some comparisons are fairly arbitrary but
consistent::                    sage: cmp(SR(3), x) #random due to
architecture dependence            -1            sage: cmp(x, SR(3))
#random due to architecture dependence            1        """
so perhaps it's not a Maxima thing but a symbolic comparison thing.

- kcrisman
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