On Apr 30, 5:23 am, mabshoff <mabsh...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hello folks,
> here goes 3.4.2.rc0 - a little later than planned, but it seems like
> we fixed all the issues (and more) that needed to be fixed. We finally
> merged the symbolic logic code written well over *18* months ago, but
> "no doctests, no merge" is something we take seriously. On top of that
> we are at
> Overall weighted coverage score:  71.1%
> Total number of functions:  22348
> We need  881 more function to get to 75% coverage.
> We need 1999 more function to get to 80% coverage.
> We need 3116 more function to get to 85% coverage.
> Note that this is also due to splitting DSage into its own spkg. We
> will discuss what to do with the DSage codebase at SD15 I assume.
> The source tarball, upgrade bits as well as a sage.math binary are in
> the usual place at
>    http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/mabshoff/release-cycles-3.4.2/
> I have done some preliminary build testing and it seems to at least
> build. From here on we will only merge truly critical bugs that fix
> doctests and grave issues, otherwise better luck in Sage 4.0 :).
> Please build, doctest and report any issues.

Mac OS X 10.5, Intel: on an upgraded version, I had one doctest

sage -t  "devel/sage/sage/interfaces/psage.py"
File "/Applications/sage_builds/sage-3.4.2.rc0-upgrade/devel/sage/sage/
interfaces/psage.py", line 35:
    sage: print "ignore this";  w       # random output
Exception raised:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/Applications/sage_builds/sage-3.4.2.alpha0-upgrade/local/
bin/ncadoctest.py", line 1231, in run_one_test
        self.run_one_example(test, example, filename, compileflags)
      File "/Applications/sage_builds/sage-3.4.2.alpha0-upgrade/local/
bin/sagedoctest.py", line 38, in run_one_example
        OrigDocTestRunner.run_one_example(self, test, example,
filename, compileflags)
      File "/Applications/sage_builds/sage-3.4.2.alpha0-upgrade/local/
bin/ncadoctest.py", line 1172, in run_one_example
        compileflags, 1) in test.globs
      File "<doctest __main__.example_0[5]>", line 1, in <module>
        print "ignore this";  w       # random output###line 35:
    sage: print "ignore this";  w       # random output
      File "/Applications/sage_builds/sage-3.4.2.rc0-upgrade/local/lib/
python2.5/site-packages/sage/interfaces/expect.py", line 1557, in
        s =  s.replace(self._name, self.__dict__['__custom_name'])
    KeyError: '__custom_name'
1 items had failures:
   1 of   6 in __main__.example_0
***Test Failed*** 1 failures.

On a fresh build, all tests passed.

On sage.math (the binary that you provided), I had one doctest

sage -t  sage/sage/modular/hecke/hecke_operator.py
File "/scratch/palmieri/sage-3.4.2.rc0-sage.math-only-x86_64-Linux/
devel/sage-misc/sage/modular/hecke/hecke_operator.py", line 106:
    sage: t2 - t3
    Hecke operator on Modular Symbols space of dimension 6 for Gamma_1
(6) of weight 4 with sign 0 and over Rational Field defined by:
    (not printing 6 x 6 matrix)
    Hecke operator on Modular Symbols space of dimension 6 for Gamma_1
(6) of weight 4 with sign 0 and over Rational Field defined by:
    [  -19     0     0   4/7 -12/7   8/7]
    [    4   -26     0 -17/7  51/7 -34/7]
    [  -18     0     7 -12/7  -6/7  18/7]
    [    0   -18     4 -16/7  34/7 -18/7]
    [    0   -18     4 -23/7  41/7 -18/7]
    [    0   -18     4 -23/7  34/7 -11/7]
File "/scratch/palmieri/sage-3.4.2.rc0-sage.math-only-x86_64-Linux/
devel/sage-misc/sage/modular/hecke/hecke_operator.py", line 156:
    sage: t2 - t3
    Hecke operator on Modular Symbols space of dimension 6 for Gamma_1
(6) of weight 4 with sign 0 and over Rational Field defined by:
    (not printing 6 x 6 matrix)
    Hecke operator on Modular Symbols space of dimension 6 for Gamma_1
(6) of weight 4 with sign 0 and over Rational Field defined by:
    [  -19     0     0   4/7 -12/7   8/7]
    [    4   -26     0 -17/7  51/7 -34/7]
    [  -18     0     7 -12/7  -6/7  18/7]
    [    0   -18     4 -16/7  34/7 -18/7]
    [    0   -18     4 -23/7  41/7 -18/7]
    [    0   -18     4 -23/7  34/7 -11/7]

There were some warnings in building the html version of the reference
manual, and I've just posted a patch at #5951 to fix them.


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