Carl, Burcin,

thank you very much for your support.

Burcin, I'm sorry for the trivial mistake. Thank you for pointing it
Unfortunately, I don't understand this:
The theory only works over characteristic 0, i.e., your fields should
contain QQ. Also note that,

sage: P.<x,z> = GF(5)[]
sage: (x+x^5).derivative(x)

What is the integral of 1 w.r.t x in this case?

Could you be clearer? As I told, I'm not familiar with rings. I don't
even know the meaning of the argument of GF (I took the number 5 from
an example I see in sage-support group, I think). Do you think that QQ
[] could fit in this case? Moreover, what's the difference between QQ
and QQbar?

About this:
You can get this information from the factorization you compute above.
It seems that factorization over GF(p) is broken (see
), does it work for QQ? I don't seriously need factor, as long as I
need the root finding next.

Now let's go to Carl's help...

> Taking a quick look at that page, it looks like they want the exact
> roots in CC of a polynomial with algebraic coefficients.  In Sage, we
> can get this with QQbar:
> sage: K.<x> = QQbar[]
> sage: (x^5-x-1).roots(ring=QQbar)

First problem with QQbar: it seems that resultant() doesn't like it,
because it is not able to convert it to a Singular ring (this is the
error, I'm not attaching all the output, tell me if you need it)

TypeError: no conversion of this ring to a Singular ring defined

On the contrary, QQ[] seems to work fine with resultant (but it
doesn't have roots() )

Moreover, it seems that QQbar roots() is not working for multivariate
polynomials ring... is it true or am I just missing something else? In
that case, is possible to let it work in multivariate polynomials? As
you can imagine, I would like to think about this as a method of
solving integrals, so it is very likely to have a symbolic expression
with more than just a single symbolic variable.

> [(1.167303978261419?, 1),
>  (-0.7648844336005847? - 0.3524715460317263?*I, 1),
>  (-0.7648844336005847? + 0.3524715460317263?*I, 1),
>  (0.1812324444698754? - 1.083954101317711?*I, 1),
>  (0.1812324444698754? + 1.083954101317711?*I, 1)]
> (AFAIK, maxima can't do this; I don't think maxima can handle general
> algebraic numbers.  Since Sage's solve() is implemented using maxima,
> solve() won't work for this problem.)
> Carl

Apart from this, is there another way to solve an equation (with more
than a single symbolic variable) obtaining exact roots? It seems that
maxima would do the work (with algebraic numbers...), is it possible
that it is the only symbolic equation solver within SAGE? What about
SymPy or anything else?

Finally, I still would like to know which is the best way to translate
the output of a calculation with polynomial rings into a symbolic
expression, that can be carried on with maxima or pynac. Can you help

Thank you very much


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