On Mar 27, 4:14 pm, ghtdak <gl...@tarbox.org> wrote:
> I've been wrestling with this a few days and can't quite figure out
> whats wrong.
> I'm trying to install Google Protocol Buffers in sage-3.4 which used
> to go without a hitch in previous versions. I've successfully
> installed qt-45, vtk, the enthought Mayavi2 suite etc., all of which
> are larger and somewhat more complex. With all these packsges, I
> first source sage-env which doesn't cause problems.
> Protobuf uses a configure script and installs without problems in
> general (I'm on Ubuntu 8.10). But, if I source $SAGE_ROOT/local/bin/
> sage-env, the configure fails, complaining about not being able to
> delete a directory. make subsequently fails as well.
Shooting from the hip:
./sage -sh
unset RM
then build.
> I've successfully installed protobuf by hand-jamming the environment
> variables and install prefix (i.e. not sourcing sage-env). So far so
> good so I have a workaround...
> But, I'm concerned that sage-env causes this to fail
> Instead of providing the output spew, if anyone is interested in
> trying just to see:
> Assuming you're working from $SAGE_ROOT
> download:http://protobuf.googlecode.com/files/protobuf-2.0.3.tar.bz2
> . ./local/bin/sage-env
> tar xf protobuf-2.0.3.tar.bz2
> cd protobuf-2.0.3
> ./configure --prefix=$SAGE_LOCAL
> make
> protobuf is pretty widely used so I'm fairly sure there isn't anything
> too strange going on there but can't say for certain. Unfortunately,
> this kind of configure makes it difficult to see what might be going
> wrong.
> -glenn
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