2009/3/7 Ryan Hinton <iob...@email.com>:
> Thank you very much for the pointers!  I'll try the thesis and online
> paper you mentioned in your follow-up email.  If I really need the
> Lenstra paper I'll try plying the librarian with brownies or something.

I could mail you a copy on Monday (assuming that I can find it, which
is nontrivial since I have moved offices more than once since I last
saw it).


> Thanks again!
> - Ryan
> John Cremona wrote:
>> Sage does not do this as far as I know but my student David Roberts
>> implemented it in Magma for his thesis.  He was following an
>> alternative treatment by Mulders and Storjohann (the latter spoke at
>> Sage Days in Nancy) since I did not know Arjen Lenstra's essentially
>> equivalent formulation until I gave a talk in Leiden with Hendrik L in
>> the audience ;).
>> The algorithm is the same for polynomial lattices over any field, but
>> in the smae way as for polynomial gcd and the Euclidean Algorithm, it
>> works better over some fields than others (e.g. finite fields good,
>> rationals bad).  I would guess that it could be implemented more
>> efficiently over GF(2).
>> John Cremona
>> PS See http://www.warwick.ac.uk/staff/J.E.Cremona/theses/index.html
>> for the thesis (it's the last one)
>> PS I have paper copy (only) of the Lenstra paper
>> 2009/3/6 Ryan Hinton <iob...@email.com>:
>>> Thanks in advance for any help.  Please let me know if I'm producing too
>>> much noise on the list.
>>> I'm still working on the pseudo-random number generators.  To verify a
>>> certain property (maximal equidistribution) [1], it is equivalent [2,3]
>>> to finding a Minkowski-reduced basis for a lattice over polynomials with
>>> coefficients in GF(2) (specifically, the non-zero point with the
>>> smallest maximum polynomial degree).  They give [4] as an example of an
>>> algorithm that will do the trick.
>>> I'm stuck.  I have not yet found a copy of [4], but from the abstract it
>>> sounds like the reduced lattice basis is a means to the title of the
>>> paper, factoring multivariate polynomials over finite fields.  On IRC,
>>> Carl Witty suggested that the LLL algorithm sounded similar, but for
>>> integers.  I haven't figured out how to frame my polynomial lattice
>>> problem as an integer lattice problem, though.
>>> So, question #1.  Does anyone know if Sage does this?
>>> Question #2.  Does anyone have electronic access to article [4] or an
>>> improved algorithm to do this basis reduction?  The ScienceDirect link
>>> for the Lenstra article is is
>>> http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0022-0000(85)90016-9.
>>> Thanks!
>>> References:
>>> Most of these are on Dr. L'Ecuyer's website,
>>> http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~lecuyer/papers.html
>>> [1] F. Panneton, P. L'Ecuyer, and M. Matsumoto, ``Improved Long-Period
>>> Generators Based on Linear Recurrences Modulo 2'', ACM Transactions on
>>> Mathematical Software, 32, 1 (2006), 1-16.
>>> [2] P. L'Ecuyer and F. Panneton, ``F_2-Linear Random Number
>>> Generators'', 2007, to appear with minor revisions in "Advancing the
>>> Frontiers of Simulation: A Festschrift in Honor of George S. Fishman."
>>> GERAD Report 2007-21.
>>> [3] R. Couture and P. L'Ecuyer, ``Lattice Computations for Random
>>> Numbers'', Mathematics of Computation, 69, 230 (2000), 757--765.
>>> [4] A. K. Lenstra. Factoring multivariate polynomials over finite
>>> fields. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 30:235–248, 1985.
>>> ---
>>> Ryan Hinton
>>> PhD candidate, Electrical Engineering
>>> University of Virginia
>> >
> >

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