Phaedon Sinis wrote:
> After this, I'll stop prefacing all my questions with apologies for
> being a beginner.
> import matplotlib.dateutil works fine within sage
> but dateutil seems to be empty.  dir(dateutil) doesn't contain
> anything -- and I am looking specificalliy for relativedelta. What am
> I doing wrong?

This works:

| Sage Version 3.3, Release Date: 2009-02-21                         |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |
sage: from matplotlib.dates import relativedelta as rd
sage: rd
<class dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta at 0xc01ef2c>

Also, this works:

sage: from dateutil import relativedelta as rd
sage: rd.<TAB>
rd.FR             rd.TH             rd.datetime       rd.x
rd.MO             rd.TU             rd.relativedelta
rd.SA             rd.WE             rd.weekday
rd.SU             rd.calendar       rd.weekdays
sage: rd.relativedelta
<class dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta at 0xa2598cc>

So it looks like you want the module matplotlib.dates or the module 


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