I've made a little proof-of-concept from the timer interact widget and
this -- I think it's pretty awesome:

1) apply  http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/boothby/timer.patch
2) upload jquery.flot_r135.js into the data directory of a worksheet
3) paste the attached into a worksheet (in edit mode)
4) Press "start"

Currently, changing more than one @interact widget at a time
"forgets", everything but the first. So, to play with the slider while
the timer is running, you might have to change the "t=timer(1000)" in
the @interact to "t=timer(2000)" or bigger, depending on processor
speed / network latency.

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def flot(F,x,L):
    d = []

    for f in F:
        d.append([f(t) for t in x])
    return "<script>setTimeout(%r)</script>"%flotData(x,d,L)

def flotData(xdata, Y, L):

    s = 'var splot = ['
    s+= ",".join(['{ data:'+str([[a,b] for a,b in zip(xdata,ydata)])+',label: 
"'+l+'"}' for ydata,l in zip(Y,L)]) 
    s+= '];'

    s+= r"""    

var options1 = {
    crosshair: { mode: "xy", color: "#ff0000" },
    lines: { show: true  },
    xaxis: { ticks: 6 },
    yaxis: { ticks: 4, tickDecimals: 0, min: -2, max:2 },
    selection: { mode: "xy" },
    grid: { hoverable: true, clickable: true , color: "#999"}

    var placeholdermag = \$("#placeholdermag");
    var plotm = \$.plot(placeholdermag, splot, options1);
    return s

html("<script src='data/jquery.flot_r135.js'></script>")

from sage.server.notebook.interact import timer
from math import sin
print html('<div id="placeholdermag" style="width:750px;height:300px;"></div>')

def _(t=timer(1000),steps=(5..100)):
    p = 2*float(pi)
    t = p*(t%steps)/steps
    def f1(s):
        return sin(s)
    def f2(s):
        m = cos(t)
        return f1(t) + (s-t)*m

    print html(flot([f1,f2],[0,.1,..,p], ["sin(x)","L(x)"] ))

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