Dear rjf,

rjf wrote:
> If there is an algorithm for simplify_full(), then presumably it could
> be programmed in Lisp, and incorporated in Maxima.
> You are invited to do so.
> I assume that there are examples for which it doesn't do what you
> want, and so you could argue that it should do more work.
Well, and there are examples where simplify_full() simply makes mistakes.

sage: sage: var('a b c')
(a, b, c)
sage:  ((a*b - 0.5*a*(b - c))/a).simplify_radical()
sage: ((b - 0.5*(b - c))).simplify_radical()
0.500000000000000*c + 0.500000000000000*b

Clearly, the second result should be the same as the first one, as 'a'
cancels out.


> I also assume there are examples for which it works for too long and
> does not provide any further simplification, and so you
> could argue that it should do less work.
> Here's a simplifier problem:  simplify
> 1/16*(10*sin(x)-5*sin(3*x)+17*sin(5*x))
> using commands in Sage.
> The answer could have as little as 17 characters.
> On Feb 12, 12:27 am, Simon King <> wrote:
>> On Feb 12, 7:23 am, rjf <> wrote:
>>> How much work do you think Maxima should do to try to determine  for
>>> arbitrary f,  if f(x)>0 or not?
>> Perhaps the same amount of work as for the successful solution of the
>> following two problems:
>> sage: bool((sin(x)^2+cos(x)^2).simplify_full()>0)
>> True
>> sage: bool(sin(x)^2+cos(x)^2==1)
>> True
>> Cheers,
>>       Simon
> >

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