On Feb 11, 4:24 pm, mabshoff <mabsh...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> Anyway, once the test pass run

Oops, book_stein_ent.py test failed, not sure if this is a problem or
not --

    qsieve(n)###line 289:_sage_    : qsieve(n)
      46102313108592180286398757159], '')
*** *** Error: TIMED OUT! PROCESS KILLED! *** ***
*** *** Error: TIMED OUT! *** ***
         [360.3 s]
exit code: 1024

The following tests failed:

        sage -t --verbose "-3.2.3/devel/sage/sage/tests/book_stein_ent.py"
Total time for all tests: 360.3 seconds

>  ./sage -bdist 3.2.3-RHEL4
> and look in $SAGE_ROOT/dist afterwards. Untar that tallball into your
> $HOME somewhere and start Sage once to assure that it starts (it will
> also rewrite a bunch of pyc and la files) and run make check again to
> assure that AFS isn't breaking some doctest. In that case you should
> report it so we can attempt to fix or work around it.
> Once you want to upgrade the current Sage install take the original
> binary dist tarball, unpack it in temp, run it once to get everything
> rewritten in case it needs to, run "./sage -upgrade", run -bdist and
> lather, rinse, repeat ;).

Will do

> Let me know if you run into any more trouble.
> > Running make test now.
> Excellent. I have made this
>  #5235 (Detect when Sage is build on AFS and issue a warning)
> In case you have a shell code snipped that identifies that the current
> working directory is on an AFS mount I would be happy to integrate it.

This will work unless somebody very foolishly changed the afs mount
point to something other that /afs.

[[ $(pwd | cut -d'/' -f2) = 'afs' ]] && echo "we are in afs"

> Given that this is the second independent report of the problem (both
> on RHEL 4.x no less) I assume that others have failed and never
> bothered to report the issue.
> > Gedaliah
> Cheers,
> Michael
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