Sorry for the late reply: on ubuntu amd64 hardy heron, only 1 failure,
very similar
to one already reported by William:

w...@tinah:~/sagefiles/sage-3.3.alpha5$ ./sage -t
sage -t  "devel/sage/sage/calculus/"
File "/home/wdj/sagefiles/sage-3.3.alpha5/devel/sage/sage/calculus/",
line 3206:
    sage: f.roots(ring=CC)
    [(-0.0588115223184495, 1), (-1.331099917875... -
1.52241655183732*I, 1), (-1.33109991787579 + 1.52241655183732*I, 1),
(1.36050567903502 - 1.51880872209965*I, 1), (1.36050567903502 +
1.51880872209965*I, 1)]
    [(-0.0588115223184495, 1), (-1.33109991787580 -
1.52241655183732*I, 1), (-1.33109991787580 + 1.52241655183732*I, 1),
(1.36050567903502 - 1.51880872209965*I, 1), (1.36050567903502 +
1.51880872209965*I, 1)]
File "/home/wdj/sagefiles/sage-3.3.alpha5/devel/sage/sage/calculus/",
line 3210:
    sage: f.roots(ring=CC, multiplicities=False)
    [-0.0588115223184495, -1.331099917875... - 1.52241655183732*I,
-1.33109991787579 + 1.52241655183732*I, 1.36050567903502 -
1.51880872209965*I, 1.36050567903502 + 1.51880872209965*I]
    [-0.0588115223184495, -1.33109991787580 - 1.52241655183732*I,
-1.33109991787580 + 1.52241655183732*I, 1.36050567903502 -
1.51880872209965*I, 1.36050567903502 + 1.51880872209965*I]
1 items had failures:
   2 of  29 in __main__.example_81
***Test Failed*** 2 failures.
For whitespace errors, see the file
         [202.4 s]
exit code: 1024


On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 9:26 AM, mabshoff <> wrote:
> Hello folks,
> 3.3.alpha5 is out and unlike 3.3.alpha4 it is being announced on sage-
> devel. The main problem with alpha4 as you might have seen already was
> that I broke the NTL dylib build while removing some code from sage-
> env. Since then I also merged a bunch of other nice fixes (updated
> m4ri, app bundle for OSX on bdist, TinyMCE polishing/fixes) and a also
> fixed a couple doctests, so alpha5 is relatively small, but we need to
> get it tested.
> Source tarball, a sage.math binary a the upgrade package can all be
> found in the usual place at
> I already build and doctested this alpha5 on SkyNet, Solaris x86,
> Sparc as well as OSX 64 bit and you should see only four doctest
> failures:
> #5027: doctest failure for rings/polynomial/ [has an
> agreed up fix, needs trivial patch]
> #5166: Sage 3.3.a4: sage/symbolic/function.pyx doctest failure on OSX
> [has a patch, needs review]
> #5172: Sage 3.3.a5: more numerical noise in sage/calculus/
> [trivial to fix]
> #5173: Sage 3.3.a5: doctest failure in sage/rings/polynomial/
> polynomial_element.pyx due to print order of roots [cwitty? :)]
> Three of those are already as good as fixed, the only one that needs
> investigation is #5173. This build still fails on Fedora 9 & 10 with
> the dreaded out of memory error. There will be an alpha6 to fix
> various security issues in outdated spkgs we ship and also resolve the
> Fedora Core issue (which we might not succeed at), but the merge pace
> should slow down substantially after alpha6 since we need to get this
> release out the door quickly. If you want to get a patch in before the
> ReST transition now is the time to get it reviewed and merged since
> the window is closing rapidly, i.e. expect few things to get merged
> past Thursday. We have warned you about that numerous times, but now
> the time has come where you will get screwed if the file you are
> patching is part of the ReST transition. No point in whining in a week
> or two :)
> Please download, build, doctest and report any issues.
> Cheers,
> Michael
> Merged in Sage 3.3.alpha5:
> #4544: Carl Witty: comparison of CDF (or any inexact) elements needs
> fixing [Reviewed by Michael Abshoff]
> #4593: Martin Albrecht: do not unconditionally use M2 for Gbasis
> computations over ZZ if it is installed [Reviewed by Michael Abshoff]
> #4817: Ivan Andrus, Karl-Dieter Crisman: make an os x clickable .app
> launcher thing for sage automatically when one does -bdist on osx
> [Reviewed by Michael Abshoff]
> #5116: Martin Albrecht: update M4RI to newest upstream release
> [Reviewed by Michael Abshoff]
> #5129: Michael Abshoff: numerical noise in roots calculus/
> [Reviewed by Jaap Spies]
> #5141: Jason Grout: tinymce should be disabled on published worksheets
> [Reviewed by Timothy Clemans, Michael Abshoff]
> #5143: Jason Grout: shift-enter should save and exit tinyMCE; new font
> formatting buttons [Reviewed by Timothy Clemans]
> #5164: Michael Abshoff: NTL.spkg: Set SHAREDFALGS to -fnocommon on
> Darwin [Reviewed by Jaap Spies]
> #5170: Jason Grout: Get rid of the tooltip for Tinymce saying to
> doubleclick - it's annoying after a while. [Reviewed by Timothy
> Clemans, William Stein]
> Merged in Sage 3.3.alpha4:
> #2159: John Perry: Gröbner bases over any field (cont'd) [Reviewed by
> Martin Albrecht]
> #4734: William Stein: sage -notebook option now broken [Reviewed by
> Michael Abshoff]
> #4946: Michael Abshoff: readline on opensuse11 64-bit still doesn't
> work [Reviewed by Mike Hansen]
> #5018: Marshall Hampton: lrs optional package improvements [Reviewed
> by Michael Abshoff]
> #5094: Karl-Dieter Crisman: Delete/Change SageX references to Cython
> [Reviewed by Michael Abshoff]
> #5096: Burcin Erocal: pynac interface enhancements [Reviewed by Mike
> Hansen, William Stein, Michael Abshoff]
> #5102: Alex Ghitza: eisenstein_series_qexp broken over finite fields
> [Reviewed by William Stein]
> #5118: Robert Miller: Improve elliptic curve printing [Reviewed by
> Michael Abshoff]
> #5125: John Perry: Ideal.basis_is_groebner() may return wrong results
> [Reviewed by Martin Albrecht]
> #5132: Burcin Erocal: real numbers don't support __mod__ [Reviewed by
> Mike Hansen]
> #5138: William Stein: implement computing manin constants of elliptic
> curves [Reviewed by John Cremona]
> #5139: William Stein: add computation of Bach bound of number fields
> to Sage [Reviewed by Dan Dan Shumow]
> #5147: Nick Alexander: make plot output file in DOCTEST_MODE
> changeable for sage-mode.el [Reviewed by Mike Hansen]
> #5148: Minh Van Nguyen, Harald Schilly: corrections to Andrey
> Novoseltsev's devmap entry [Reviewed by Michael Abshoff]
> #5149: William Stein: Cremona database -- fix a bug in handling of
> 990h [Reviewed by John Cremona]
> #5150: Minh Van Nguyen, Harald Schilly: update Nils-Peter Skoruppa's
> contributions [Reviewed by Michael Abshoff]
> #5152: David Joyner: order of abelian group element is a rational
> number, but should be an integer [Reviewed by William Stein]
> #5154: Paul Zimmermann: bug in modular composition over GF(2)
> [Reviewed by Martin Albrecht]
> #5157: William Stein: if the mwrank interface is interrupted from the
> notebook (!) it stays broken for the rest of the sage session
> [Reviewed by Mike Hansen]
> #5161: Michael Abshoff: Remove outdated SHAREDFLAGS and Solaris
> specific injected flags from sage-env [Reviewed by Mike Hansen]
> #5162: Michael Abshoff: atlas.spkg: Fix mistake introduced in
> atlas-3.8.2.p1 and actually correct the bug [Reviewed by Mike Hansen]
> >

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