mabshoff wrote:
> Hello folks,
> 3.3.alpha5 is out and unlike 3.3.alpha4 it is being announced on sage-
> devel. The main problem with alpha4 as you might have seen already was
> that I broke the NTL dylib build while removing some code from sage-
> env. Since then I also merged a bunch of other nice fixes (updated
> m4ri, app bundle for OSX on bdist, TinyMCE polishing/fixes) and a also
> fixed a couple doctests, so alpha5 is relatively small, but we need to
> get it tested.
> Source tarball, a sage.math binary a the upgrade package can all be
> found in the usual place at
> I already build and doctested this alpha5 on SkyNet, Solaris x86,
> Sparc as well as OSX 64 bit and you should see only four doctest
> failures:
> #5027: doctest failure for rings/polynomial/ [has an
> agreed up fix, needs trivial patch]
> #5166: Sage 3.3.a4: sage/symbolic/function.pyx doctest failure on OSX
> [has a patch, needs review]
> #5172: Sage 3.3.a5: more numerical noise in sage/calculus/
> [trivial to fix]
> #5173: Sage 3.3.a5: doctest failure in sage/rings/polynomial/
> polynomial_element.pyx due to print order of roots [cwitty? :)]

On Fedora 9, 32 bits I had those known issues
plus 11 mysterious memory errors.


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