On Jan 19, 7:56 am, mhampton <hampto...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Marshall,
> I had two numerical noise failures on an intel macbook, 10.5.6:
Only one is numerical noise, the other one is due to xgcd changes
> **********************************************************************
> File ".../devel/sage/sage/rings/polynomial/complex_roots.py", line
> 270:
> sage: complex_roots(x^2 + 27*x + 181)
> Expected:
> [(-14.61803398874990?..., 1), (-12.38196601125010? + 0.?e-27*I,
> 1)]
> Got:
> [(-14.61803398874990? + 0.?e-27*I, 1), (-12.38196601125011? + 0.?
> e-27*I, 1)]
> **********************************************************************
Please open a ticket for this one since it is trivially fixable.
> sage -t "devel/sage/sage/rings/polynomial/toy_d_basis.py"
> **********************************************************************
> File ".../devel/sage/sage/rings/polynomial/toy_d_basis.py", line 91:
> sage: d_basis(I)
> Expected:
> [x + 170269749119, y + 2149906854, z + 735710619426, 282687803443]
> Got:
> [x + 170269749119, y + 2149906854, z + 170335012540, 282687803443]
> **********************************************************************
I have seen that one before and it pops up after changing from gmp to
MPIR, but it only happens on certain platforms and not consistently on
say 32 bit Intel boxen. Also please open a ticket, but the toy_d_basis
has some issue which need to be sorted out anyway.
> -Marshall
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