On Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 10:40 PM, John H Palmieri
<jhpalmier...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a first draft of a module which implements simplicial
> complexes, chain complexes, and their homology.  It isn't perfect: it
> is limited by Sage's abilities to deal with modules over arbitrary
> commutative rings, or at least by my knowledge of Sage's abilities.
> Thus for example, you can define a chain complex over a polynomial
> ring on one or several variables, but you probably can't compute its
> homology very reliably.
> I would appreciate comments, and eventually I hope to submit it to the
> trac server.
> (I tried searching the various Sage groups to see if anyone was
> working on similar stuff and didn't find anything.  I hope I'm not
> stepping on any toes.)

If you are it is a surprise to me.  The only time in my entire life
that I have heard of anybody implementing computation of generic
simplical homology in any math software system is right now from you.
I've never heard of anybody doing a single real thing in this
direction in Sage or Magma ever (I'm not saying nothing was done in
Magma, but I don't know about it).   So I'm very enthusiastic about
this!   I also think this is great motivation to finally implement
general finitely generated modules over ZZ, so, e.g., cokernels are

> See the file 'http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/palmieri/
> homology.patch' for more.
>  John
> >

William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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