On Dec 22, 2008, at 3:56 PM, Nils Bruin wrote:

> On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 10:23 AM, Robert Bradshaw
> <rober...@math.washington.edu> wrote:
>>> On Dec 22, 2008, at 6:20 AM, John Cremona wrote:
>>>> You can do K(r.lift()), but it would be nicer if this was  
>>>> handled by
>>>> coercion magic.
>>> This isn't really a coercion issue per se, it's a question of adding
>>> another case to the _element_constructor_ method of number  
>>> fields. Do
>>> we want coercion here, i.e. should someone be able to write r +  
>>> K.gen
>>> ()? If so, would it be the most natural to put the result into K or
>>> the quotient ring?
> I am not sure that the result of r + K.gen(), if allowed at all,
> should end up in K or in R.
> An alternative interpretation: r is an element of an algebra over Q.
> We add to it an element of K, which is a base extension of Q.
> Shouldn't the result end up in the base extension of R by K over Q? An
> advantage of this interpretation is that it does not depend on
> R and K being isomorphic (which may be non-trivial to determine. Do R
> and K have pointers to each other?), so can apply more generally.
> According to Bradshaw's coercion in towers of extensions, It seems the
> question should be resolved depending on the names of the generators
> of K and R,
> which could be problematic if the generators of R and K have the same
> name (as in this example), but not the same defining polynomial (not
> the case in this example). Perhaps a reason to not extend the coercion
> model to non-free extensions by default, or introduce a clear rule?

Personally, I don't think this is "natural" enough to happen  
automatically, and as mentioned above is rather ambiguous (would a  
base extension be preferable? certainly more consistant). However, K 
(r) should be fixed to work.

- Robert

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