On Thu, 13 Nov 2008 at 01:31AM -0800, Harald Schilly wrote:
> On Nov 13, 8:25 am, Dan Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > ... is there any progress on that front?
> Hi, yes and no, I still have it in my head but no time at the moment.
> Is there a certain deadline? I could try if I can do something this
> weekend. Any specific wishes for the size? I assume your us letter
> format.

Anytime reasonably before Christmas would do. I have to spend the money
before the end of the year (that was the "turn into a pumpkin" line from
my first email) and I'm leaving for vacation before Christmas.

As for size, I am in Korea and am forced -- happily -- to abandon my
non-metric roots. So, A4 please. :)

Sometime in January, I plan to get a public notebook server going and
I'd like to have some PR material ready to go.


---  Dan Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
-----  KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences
-------  http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake

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