John H Palmieri wrote:

> sage: scipy.linalg.det(a)
> 0.0
> sage: scipy.linalg.inv(a)
> array([[ -4.50359963e+15,   9.00719925e+15,  -4.50359963e+15],
>        [  9.00719925e+15,  -1.80143985e+16,   9.00719925e+15],
>        [ -4.50359963e+15,   9.00719925e+15,  -4.50359963e+15]])
> sage: numpy.linalg.det(a)
> 6.6613381477509392e-16
> sage: numpy.linalg.inv(a)
> array([[ -4.50359963e+15,   9.00719925e+15,  -4.50359963e+15],
>        [  9.00719925e+15,  -1.80143985e+16,   9.00719925e+15],
>        [ -4.50359963e+15,   9.00719925e+15,  -4.50359963e+15]])

I was about to post to the appropriate mailing list, but realized that 
we never updated scipy (I thought we had).  That means we are running 
scipy code from over a year ago.  Now, they haven't had a new release in 
over a year, but we should probably update to SVN at least before 
complaining about this error.

For now, we can check to see if the determinant (the scipy.linalg.det 
determinant) is zero.  If it is, throw the singular matrix error.


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