Hi folks,

Browsing through the directory


I notice that Josh Kantor has written a document on numerical computing
using Sage. Still excited about Harald Schilly's Documentation Quality
Initiative (DQI), I'd like to update and polish Josh's notes if I have
some time to spare in the future. Two issues I want clarification on are:

Is the document released under a Creative Commons 3.0 license, or a
compatible license? Looking through the PDF as well as the .tex files, I
can't seem to locate any licensing terms. The Sage wiki at


says something to the effect that Sage documentation is covered by CC
3.0. It has a link to "Sage documentation", which points to


But still no mention of Josh's document at the latter URL or the
following URLs:


Since the document is distributed along with each source release of
Sage, many people would assume that Josh's document is covered by CC 3.0
or a compatible license. I just want to be clear about the licensing
terms of this document, in order to know whether or not I'm at liberty
to work on it for the DQI.

If the above document on numerical computing is covered by CC 3.0 or a
compatible license, then I'd be glad to work on it for the DQI. However,
would future source releases of Sage continue to ship that document? Or
would folks post a PDF version of that document on a server somewhere
and create a link to the document on the following page?


I think that the last option is more in line with the DQI.

What do other folks think?

Minh Van Nguyen

Web: http://nguyenminh2.googlepages.com
Blog: http://mvngu.wordpress.com

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