Hello folks, greetings from SD 11. I have spend some time with Jon Hanke and we are attempting to sort out various issues with his Sage 2.8.14 based quadratic forms code Jon wrote over the last year- see #4470. There are a couple problems and people with more taste will hopefully sort out design issues, but the short term goal is to get the code in and have it beat into (better?) shape before Sage Days UGA around the end of February (hopefully way before that).
Some comments: * I have posted a bunch of comments at the above ticket, but I have not yet attached a bundle, but that is coming * the patch contains tables (a 250k line diff) which will be split off into a database spkg * the patch also contains a copy of Bernd Souvignier's AUTO code which should be Cythonized/libraryfied/moved into its own spkg (it is one C file, but still ...). The code has been licensed under a GPL V2+ compatible license, but that needs to be sorted out officially * I have created a quadratic forms component in trac and reassigned Justin's binary quadratic form's ticket to that component. I would guess there will be enough development happening in that area from now on to justify that category. What is now needed are some people with taste who can (re)design and/ or review the code and its structure and make it pretty [not me :)]. Gonzalo and Craig expressed interest and hopefully in the next two days here some things will happen. But input from third parties is highly desired and before building more code on top of Justin and Jon's code should have the basics are hammered out. It would also be nice to know if people are missing functionality or have wishes that to do, i.e. a wishlist, which should be collected somewhere and/or tickets should be opened. Thoughts? Cheers, Michael --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ To post to this group, send email to sage-devel@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel URLs: http://www.sagemath.org -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---