On Thu, 06 Nov 2008 at 01:09PM -0500, David Joyner wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/sagefiles/sage-3.2.alpha3$ ./sage -t
> devel/sage/sage/interfaces/lisp.py
> sage -t  devel/sage/sage/interfaces/lisp.py
>          [11.8 s]

I'm using Intrepid amd64 and get the same failures as Franco.

> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/sagefiles/sage-3.2.alpha3$ ./sage
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> | Sage Version 3.2.alpha3, Release Date: 2008-11-05                  |
> | Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> sage: sage: lisp.eval('(* 4 5)')
> '20'
> sage: sage: lisp.eval('(+ 2 2)')
> '4'
> sage: lisp(0).bool()
> False
> sage:
> They are as expected.
> I am mystified by the failures.

Here's what I get when I do that:

| Sage Version 3.2.alpha3, Release Date: 2008-11-05                  |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |

sage: lisp.eval('(* 4 5)')
'(* 4 5)\n20'
sage: lisp.eval('(+ 2 2)')
'(+ 2 2)\n4'
sage: lisp(0).bool()

As Georg said, it's some sporadic Lisp/Maxima thing that we're hoping is
fixed by switching to a different Lisp.


---  Dan Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
-----  KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences
-------  http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake

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