On Nov 6, 1:28 pm, "William Stein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 1:27 PM, mabshoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> > Yeah, that would be great. I am curious if we should push for an rc0
> > fixing only critical bugs in the next 24 hours to release shortly or
> > if we should give it another 3 or 4 days of merges. I am in favor of
> > the quick option and to do a small 3.2.1 quickly afterwards.
> I agree.  I'm for a feature freeze and release ASAP, then build binaries
> on Monday when I'm back.   We could do 3.2.1 a little over a week
> from now, and it will have Sphinx docs, I hope!

Sounds good to me. I would want to make 3.2.1 all about getting as
many paches in as possible before the big documentation change. 3.3
then will be about Sphinx and it should only contain documentation
fixes, critical bugs and spkg fixes since those are orthogonal to the
documentation work. By going to 3.3 we would have a clear line before
pre and post Sphinx and that would give people a week to get their
patches reviewed and merged. I figure that is a fair deal :)

> William


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