Jaap Spies wrote:

> Sage subshell$ ipython -Version
> 0.8.2
> But still
> Sage subshell$ sage -ipython -Version
> 0.8.4

sage: from enthought.mayavi.tools import mlab as M
!! enthought.mayavi.tools.mlab is obsolete and has been replaced by !!
!! enthought.mayavi.mlab. Please update your code.                  !!
sage: from enthought.mayavi import mlab as M
sage: M.test_plot3d()

(python:25459): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_widget_set_colormap: assertion 
`!GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (widget)' failed
  _3 = <enthought.mayavi.modules.surface.Surface object at 0xb05fe0c>
sage: M.
M.axes                   M.get_engine             M.quiver3d               
M.test_flow              M.test_simple_surf
M.clf                    M.imshow                 M.roll                   
M.test_imshow            M.test_surf
M.colorbar               M.mesh                   M.savefig                
M.test_mesh              M.text
M.contour3d              M.options                M.scalarbar              
M.test_mesh_sphere       M.title
M.contour_surf           M.orientationaxes        M.show_engine            
M.test_molecule          M.vectorbar
M.draw                   M.outline                M.surf                   
M.test_plot3d            M.view
M.figure                 M.pipeline               M.test_contour3d         
M.test_points3d          M.xlabel
M.flow                   M.plot3d                 M.test_contour_surf      
M.test_quiver3d          M.ylabel
M.gcf                    M.points3d               M.test_fancy_mesh        
M.test_quiver3d_2d_data  M.zlabel
sage: M.show_engine()
  _4 = <enthought.traits.ui.ui.UI object at 0xb1137ac>

This works with ipython-0.8.2

But also this works in alpha0 with ipython-0.8.4, see below:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] sage-3.2.alpha0]$ ls
COPYING.txt  doc       HISTORY.txt  local         mayavi_2.2.1.spkg  sage.png   
data         examples  install.log  makefile      README.txt         
sage-python          test.log
devel        file.txt  ipython      matplotlibrc  sage               
sage-README-osx.txt  tmp
[EMAIL PROTECTED] sage-3.2.alpha0]$ ./sage -sh

Starting subshell with Sage environment variables set.
Be sure to exit when you are done and do not do anything
with other copies of Sage!

Sage subshell$ ipython -Version

Sage subshell$ ipython -wthread
sage: from enthought.mayavi import mlab as M
sage: M.test_plot3d()

(python:25595): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_widget_set_colormap: assertion 
`!GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (widget)' failed
  _2 = <enthought.mayavi.modules.surface.Surface object at 0xc2a4dac>

Works great!
So independed of the version of ipython! And there must be a failure
in passing the argument -wthread


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