On Sep 25, 11:45 am, "Timothy Clemans" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> It would probably take me between one and two weeks to fully template
> the notebook.
> The new user management portal doesn't depend on any of the templating
> code and needs review, seehttp://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/4135I
> would really like to
> see that reviewed before I resume work on templating.
could you please open another thread and post a list of tickets with
the dependencies listed that need to be reviewed to catch up on your
work? (don't just post your apply script ;)) Assume that an
appropriate version of Jinja2 made it into Sage by the start of Sage
3.2. I will meet with Mike Hansen in a couple hours to work on
packaging the ReST toolchain and so on. The plan is then to start the
inclusion procedure to create the basis for the actual ReST
transformation as well as the templating work you have been doing.
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