On Sep 23, 3:46 pm, "Georg S. Weber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi Dan,

Hi Georg,


> I can see this issue pretty often on my old PPC box.
> However I'll sacrifice my time first for the pari precision patch to
> get as soon as possible into 3.1.3, before going to look into more
> detail into this maxima-sage thing.
> It will not be forgotten, but probably take some time.
> (And maybe I can't be of any help at all, but let's see.)

There are two possibilities here:

 a) upgrade to prerelease 4 of clisp 2.47
 b) switch to ecl

(a) is less work for now and there are some fixes in there that solve
some issues on Solaris/Sparc, so my hope is that it will fix those
random-ish crashes we are seeing on x86-64 and also ppc. clisp-2.46 is
known broken on Solaris/Sparc, i.e. Maxima and clisps' test suite
itself segfaults.

(b) is more work and not something I want to do this week since 3.1.3
is supposed to go out the door quickly. Since I want to update Maxima
from 5.16.2 to 5.16.3 I will likely attempt to do the clisp update,
but sooner or later I will do (b).

> Cheers,
> gsw


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