
Cc: Paul for comment on local information.

This (http://www.hotel-eclipse.fr) looks inexpensive but (unless
I'm mistaken), not accessible to LORIA or the center except by car.
The center is reasonably accessible by tram; those working late
at LORIA (if this is compatible with building security -- Paul???)
will just have to pay attention to the tram schedule.

I've booked a room in the Hotel Americain:


which is walking distance to the train station.

Another inexpensive option is Hotel Akena:


also close to the train station (on the other side).

I would suggest some local input before booking hotels
If the hostel next to LORIA is full, then a group booking in the
would be the next best solution,  would have the advantage of being
close to restaurants, and we could regroup at a ciber cafe, or hotel
lounge with WiFi.


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