On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 1:35 PM, mabshoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sep 17, 4:26 am, "Ondrej Certik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Ondrej,
>> > Interestingly enough that article resulted in 267 hits so far today
>> > from the Czech republic and 66 from Slovakia, which is way above
>> > average. So I guess even if the article is a little wrong here and
>> > there the old rule that there is no such thing as bad publicity still
>> > applies :)
>> Yes, root.cz is very well-known in the Czech rep., and that was only a
>> mention deep in one article.
> Nice. I read the section about Sage and most of it seems pretty easily
> understandable. It seems nice that they mentioned and link you by name
> as a Sage developer :)

They don't mention me as a Sage developer.  You need to learn more Czech. :)

>> But sorry, no time to write full featured
>> article about Sage, especially if you then say that it is a bad
>> publicity. :) Just teasing.
> Once you got your Master's degree I am sure you will have ample time
> to do so :p. It just seems a little strange that such a website would
> confuse a content license for a website with the license of the
> software itself.

Anyway, this is fixed now.


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