Hi, 3 minutes is unbelievably short. However, since you asked for suggestions, here are some things that would be good to get across:
- programming in Sage is programming in Python; no need to learn some arcane custom-built language in order to use Sage and contribute to it - the development model is extremely open and built around excellent Python-based tools: mercurial for version control, trac for bug reporting and tracking, sphinx for documentation (work in progress) - Sage puts together and uses tens of open source packages for mathematics and computer algebra, but also gives back to them by testing, reporting bugs and contributing bug fixes, and offering a user-friendly interface to them Again, you won't have much time. Under the circumstances, I agree with Harald's idea that you should tell them to check out the Sage webpage, where they can find out more *and* try it live. It might also be good to tell them that there are two Australian mirrors: http://echidna.maths.usyd.edu.au/sage/ http://freethemes.mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/sage/ One specific comment about your slides: while the car picture is very nice, the URL in the upper right corner should be changed to the current www.sagemath.org BTW, I moved to Melbourne about a month and a half ago. Unfortunately, I'm not sure I can make it to this event on Saturday -- I wish I had known about it earlier. I'll do my best, and if I manage to make it there I'll try to bring some supporting material. Best, Alex Minh Nguyen wrote: > Hi folks, > > Saturday 20 September 2008 is Software Freedom Day (at least in > Melbourne, Australia). Further information about this event can be > found at > > http://www.softwarefreedomday.org/melb > > I'll be volunteering to help out during the day, in collaboration with > the Linux Users of Victoria group. Throughout the day, there'll be a > number of talks on free and open source software. There'll also be > various 3 minute "lightning talks"; that is, should there be time in > between the longer talks. I've put my name down for a 3 minute > "lightning talk" on open source computer algebra systems (CAS), in > particular, covering Maxima, Pari/GP, and Sage --- hence their > respective logos. My notes so far for this mini presentation can be > found at > > http://nguyenminh2.googlepages.com/2008-09-20_software-freedom-day.pdf.gz > > My current plan is to cover the above three CASes from a pedagogy > perspective, then talk about Sage as a CAS that assembles together > under a common interface the power and functionalities of other open > source CASes --- hence the Sage car logo. Further suggestions about > Sage specific things to cover during this 3 minute talk will be > greatly appreciated. > -- Alexandru Ghitza Lecturer, Pure Mathematics Department of Mathematics and Statistics The University of Melbourne Parkville, VIC, 3010 Australia --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ To post to this group, send email to sage-devel@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel URLs: http://www.sagemath.org -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---