Hi everybody,

Unfortunately William Stein will be unable to go to this year's joint
meetings, but there is an exhibition booth reserved for Sage.  David
Joyner, David Harvey, Robert Miller and I will be there (correct me if
I'm wrong!), and I will try to coordinate efforts.

Anyone reading this who thinks they will be there and could help,
please add your name to the wiki:

The main thing I think to organize beforehand is printing tutorials,
dvds, and ordering other possible merchandise (e.g. t-shirts,
mugs, ?).  Last year we had a pretty impressive demand for dvds and
tutorials; we must have given away hundreds (order of magnitude
estimate; if you know more precisely chime in).   It would also be
great to have another large flatscreen to display.

During the MAA open-source panel and/or the AMS special session on
Sage I imagine it will difficult to staff the booth, but perhaps we
can switch off enough to have at least 1 person there.

I think our continued presence there is important and helpful, and I
encourage anyone who is on the fence to go.

Marshall Hampton
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