
> The only slight awkwardness I can imagine is as follows: If I export, say, in
> Polynomial
> coefficientRing: () -> Ring
> then the result of baseRing will be a Ring, and may have "forgotten" all the
> other categories it possibly satisfies. Hm, it seems I will never understand
> "has" completely - Ralf, could you remind me why the following output is
> produced by Aldor?

Maybe you google for something like

+"static type" +"dynamic type" +aldor

Christian's remarks should be correct.

It is as simple as this: with "has" you refer to all the exports of a 
domain. So if

A: with {foo: () -> ()} ==   add {foo(): () == {}}
B: with {bar: () -> ()} == A add {bar(): () == {}}

then B (statically) only exports bar, but if you look at the right hand 
side of the definition of B then there is a (anonymous) domain

   A add {bar(): () == {}}

which is of type

   with {
     foo: () -> ()
     bar: () -> ()

and all this can be seen by "has" from B, too.

   B has with {foo: () -> ()}

returns true.

I don't say that I like that since one can easily produce code that 
looks typesafe but is completely wrong (see end of mail). Note that 
suddenly, -1 is a member of NNI.


#include "aldor"
#include "aldorio"

NNI: with {
        +: (%, %) -> %;
        coerce: Integer -> %;
        <<: (TextWriter, %) -> TextWriter;
} == Integer add {
        Rep == Integer;
        import from Rep;
        coerce(x: Integer): % == per x;
        (p: TextWriter) << (x: %): TextWriter == p << rep x;

main(): () == {
        import from Integer;
        stdout << "NNI has with -: % -> % ---- ";
        stdout << (NNI has with {-:%->%}) << newline;
        a: NNI := 1::NNI;
        if NNI has with {-:%->%} then {
                b: NNI := -a;
                stdout << "-([EMAIL PROTECTED]) = " << b << newline;
        stdout << "INT has IntegerType --- ";
        stdout << (Integer has IntegerType) << newline;
        stdout << "NNI has IntegerType --- ";
        stdout << (NNI has IntegerType) << newline;
        stdout << "NNI has OrderedArithmeticType --- ";
        stdout << (NNI has OrderedArithmeticType) << newline;
        stdout << "NNI has with <: (%,%) -> Boolean ---- ";
        stdout << (NNI has with {<:(%,%)->Boolean}) << newline;

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