Here's the original announcement btw.:

       Sage days 10 in Nancy (France) Announcement

October 10 to 15, 2008 at the Lorraine Laboratory of IT Research
and its Applications (Loria)

Sage is a python based software distribution that combines a large
number of free and open source computer algebra packages in a
unified whole. The primary goal is to create a viable open source
alternative to Magma, Maple, Mathematica, and MATLAB. Systems like
Maxima, Singular, and Octave and libraries such as LAPACK and GMP
are integrated into a common python-based facade. The Sage notebook
browser can create embedded graphics and interactive typeset
mathematics. Sage is available on Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows.
See <> for details.


    * October 10: Linear Algebra (chair Clement Pernet)
    * October 11: Groebner Bases (chair Ludovic Perret)
    * October 12: Elliptic Curves (chair Laurent Fousse)
    * October 13-15: Coding Sprints (chair Michael Abshoff)

Each "talk" day (October 10 to 12) typically has 2 invited speakers,
who are specialists in the corresponding domain, not necessarily
already in contact with SAGE, and 3 contributed speakers, who
typically describe an existing or proposed SAGE module.

Following the talk days will be coding sprints. This is an
opportunity to interact with the current development team, work
on live code contributions, and become involved and connected
to this worldwide effort.


Loria (<>)

   Campus Scientifique
   54506 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy

Sponsored by
  INRIA (National Research Institute for IT and Robotics)
  GDR IM (GDR Informatique Mathematique)
  Region Lorraine
  Communaute Urbaine du Grand Nancy
  University Nancy 1 Henri Poincare

PhD students attendance support

Thanks to funds donated by our sponsors, we are able to support
attendance costs for a small number of PhD students. Interested
students should apply directly per mail to Paul Zimmermann
(<paul.zimmermann at loria dot fr>).

Program committee

    * Michael Abshoff (<mabshoff at googlemail dot com>)
    * Timothy Daly (<daly at axiom-developer dot org>)
    * Laurent Fousse
    * Clément Pernet
    * Ludovic Perret
    * Paul Zimmermann (<paul.zimmermann at loria dot fr>)

name: Martin Albrecht

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