
Before I reply to your email, let me ask a simple question about sage
as installed on sage.math. When I try the axiom interface there I get:

| SAGE Version 3.1, Release Date: 2008-08-16                         |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |

sage: axiom('1+1')

sage: axiom('1+1')

sage: axiom('1+1')

     Type: PositiveInteger
sage: exit
Exiting SAGE (CPU time 0m0.06s, Wall time 0m33.20s).
Exiting spawned Axiom process.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ which sage


This result is typical of the failure due to readline/clisp
synchronization problems on some platforms. The only solution I have
for this involves calling FriCAS in such a way as to defeat readline
in './devel/sage-main/sage/interfaces/axiom.py' as follows:

                       name = 'axiom',
                       prompt = '\([0-9]+\) -> ',
                       command = "sh -c 'axiom -nox -noclef | cat'",

Although it generates more processes than should be required to do the
job, perhaps this change should be included in the next release?

On Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 11:11 PM, Mike Hansen wrote:
> ...
> I don't think the interfaces are as much "magic" as you make them
> out to be.

Magic is only science that we don't understand, right? :-) I did not
mean to give the impression that I thought it was magic - only that I
felt some basic documentation in this area was missing. To this end
your comments below are very helpful.

> If you're interested in converting object from Sage to Axiom/FriCAS,
> then there are really only two methods you need to worry about --
> _axiom_ and _axiom_init_.  _axiom_init_ method just returns a
> string used to construct self in Axiom.  For example, say we have
> class Foo(SageObject):
>    def __init__(self, n):
>        self.n = int(n)
>    def _axiom_init_(self):
>        return str(self.n)
> Then I can do
> sage: a = Foo(2); a
> <class '__main__.Foo'>
> sage: axiom(a)
> 2
> sage: axiom(a).type()
> PositiveInteger

Thanks! So the point is that we can obtain the string representation
of some Sage object by calling 'str' and often this string can be
passed directly to the Axiom interpreter. I think that is a good
thing, but of course whether or not this works will depend on the type
inferences done by the interpreter. For example:

  sage: K = FiniteField(2)
  sage: k=K(1)
  sage: k.parent()
  Finite Field of size 2
  sage: k+1
  sage: k_ax = axiom(k)
  sage: k_ax.type()
  sage: k_ax+1

Something is wrong here! In Axiom we do have an appropriate type:

  sage: k_ax2=axiom('1$FiniteField(2,1)')
  sage: k_ax2.type()
  sage: k+1

Obviously the default conversion from a string is not correct. How can
we make the conversion from Sage to Axiom smarter in this case? Does
it mean that we need to override the _axiom_init_ method with
something more appropriate in some more specific class in Sage? I see

  sage: k?
  Type:           IntegerMod_int
  Base Class:     <type 'sage.rings.integer_mod.IntegerMod_int'>
  String Form:    1
  Namespace:      Interactive

        Elements of Z/nZ for n small enough to be operated on in 32 bits

            -- Robert Bradshaw (2006-08-24)

So should we add _axiom_init_ to IntegerMod_int class? Something like this?

    def _axiom_init_(self):
        return str(self.n)+'::FiniteField(%d,1)'%n

where do I get a value for n?

But I notice that:

  sage: k=IntegerModRing(2)(1)
  sage: k.parent()
  Ring of integers modulo 2
  sage: k?
  Type:           IntegerMod_int
  Base Class:     <type 'sage.rings.integer_mod.IntegerMod_int'>
  String Form:    1
  Namespace:      Interactive

        Elements of Z/nZ for n small enough to be operated on in 32 bits

            -- Robert Bradshaw (2006-08-24)

and also that in Axiom we have 'IntegerMod(2)' as distinct from
"FiniteField(2,1)'. Both Sage and Axiom distinguish between the ring
and the field, so maybe IntegerMod_int is not the right place for
_axiom_init_ since that would make it a field in all cases.

Maybe _axiom_init_ has to come from the Sage parent? How do I do that?

This is the kind of thing that still seems a little mysterious to me ...

> For more complicated things, the _axiom_ method takes in an Axiom
> interface object and returns self constructed in Axiom.
> class Foo(SageObject):
>    def __init__(self, n):
>        self.n = int(n)
>    def _axiom_(self, axiom):
>        return axiom(str(self.n))
> This behaves the same as above.

This form seems obscure to me. What is an "Axiom interface object"?
Why/How does this code behave the same way as the first example?

> The Macualay2 interface in sage/interfaces/macaulay2.py has some
> good examples of moving objects back and forth between systems.
> Anyway, I did some work on the Axiom interface today such as
> doctesting it, removing broken code, adding tab completion, etc.
> You can see my changes at
> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/4028

Great. I have applied these changes to my test version of axiom interface.

> Things like the online help didn't work with either the fricas spkg
> or just on a local copy, but I'd be more than happy to help adding
> that functionality (as well as anything else).

Thanks for your work! I hope it will attract more developers
interested in the Axiom interface in Sage.

Bill Page.

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