2008/7/17 Kurt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Jul 16, 2:39 pm, "Mike Hansen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > I have a class which represents the set of words over an alphabet (but
>> > is not a Monoïd since it also contains infinite words) and another
>> > class which represents a word.  These classes have a natural
>> > Parent/Element relationship and I tried to use these classes from Sage
>> > as superclasses.
>> > But I am encountering various problems due to the implicit assumption
>> > that the Elements are always sort of numeric.  As an example
>> > Element.__nonzero__() tries to call the parent with 0 to compare
>> > against the 0 element.  But in my case it does not makes sense to
>> > create a word from that.
>> > So I am stuck.  We already have a working parent/element relationship,
>> > but since it is not the Sage one it does not participate in coercions
>> > and we can't use Sage morphisms.
>> The Element.__nonzero__ is just a sensible default that should be
>> overridden if needed by subclasses of Element.  The __nonzero__ method
>> gets called if you have an object a and you do "if a:".  See the
>> example below:
>> sage: class Foo(object):
>> ....:     def __nonzero__(self):
>> ....:         return True
>> ....:
>> sage: a = Foo()
>> sage: if a:
>> ....:     print "a is 'nonzero'"
>> ....:
>> a is 'nonzero'
>> So, you should decide how you want your words to behave with respect to this.
> Just to throw in my two cents, the fact that the class has a member
> function __nonzero__()  suggests that the class is intended for
> objects supporting some sort of binary operation.  Certainly one is
> not forced to use such a class in this way, but that is the
> intention.  And given that we want to be able to construct things like
> combinatorial algebras from other combinatorial objects, it makes
> sense that a class of combinatorial objects support designating a zero
> (identity) element for some binary operation and a way of testing
> whether a given instance of the class is this zero element.  Words are
> certainly one such class of combinatorial object.  And while there are
> many kinds of binary operations one might define on words, for a great
> many of such operations that occur naturally, the empty word turns out
> to be the identity element.  So I think a more reasonable default for
> the word class would be that the integer zero is coerced to the empty
> word, and __nonzero_(w)  would return True iff w is the empty word,
> even if the entire set of words does not form a monoid.

That is exactly the behaviour I wanted except the coercion of 0.  It
really does not make any sense the way our code is designed to have 0
coerce to the empty word.  Plus it would be a unique special case
possibly confusing the coercion machinery.

So according to the recommendations earlier I've overridden the method
to do that.

> But I think this discussion does bring up the question of how such
> structures are factored within the overall combinatorics module.  It
> is reasonable to expect to be able to design a class X for some kind
> of combinatorial object (words, trees, graphs, matroids, etc) without
> necessarily declaring any sort of binary operation, and without regard
> to higher future uses, such as forming the basis of an algebra.  One
> would like subsequently to be able to form an algebra or coalgebra or
> other type of higher structure from the elements of type X, making use
> of the X code, but without burdening the class definition of X by
> adding these other notions necessary for the higher structure.  It is
> at the point that one forms the higher structure that one needs to
> worry about what the binary operations are and what is are the
> identity elements, if any, of these operations.  I have not examined
> the existing Sage class structure enough to know how cleanly these
> concerns are separated, but it sounds like the kind of concern that
> Arnaud is driving at.  There are also costs as well as benefits of
> separating these concerns in the implementation, so it is the sort of
> think that deserves a hard look (sober evaluation) before dashing off
> in any particular direction.

These are probably valid concerns, but that's not what I had in mind
with my message.  It really is more or less a call for documentation
of the basics of implementing a Parent or Element class.

And now I am encountering another problem with coercion.  Basically
the coercion system refuses to coerce anything from my class.  I think
it's because I am missing an essential method for coercion because I
didn't implement anything for this.  Looking at the various methods
that seem related to coercion I can't get an idea of what to


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