Michael_D_G a écrit :
> Thanks so much William!


I have posted some questions about ldap identification in Sage (in the
notebook), and I started to look a bit more in details... But it seems
that you are much more advanced than me (I'm absolutely not a specialist
  of ldap programing, and twisted or zope are a strange world for me);
I'm progressing very very slowly... but I'll need a ldap identification
to convince my University to make a Sage server for the students
(actually using an active directory) and to build a server for the
French Math community (there, we will use a true ldap).

If you are looking for a beta-tester, It could be me :-)


Thierry Dumont. Institut Camille Jordan -- Mathematiques--
Univ. Lyon I,43 Bd du 11 Novembre 1918, 69622
 - Villeurbanne Cedex - France.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  web: http://math.univ-lyon1.fr/~tdumont

fn:Thierry Dumont
org;quoted-printable:CNRS - Universit=C3=A9 Lyon 1.;Institut Camille Jordan
adr:;;43 Bd du 11 Novembre;Villeurbanne Cedex;F;69621;France
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title;quoted-printable:Ing=C3=A9nieur de Recherche/Research Ingeneer

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