mabshoff wrote:
> Hello folks,
> Sage 3.0.4.alpha2 is finally out and we are hoping it will actually
> build this time. Much work went into making it start up more quickly
> due to some script written by Andrew Dalke that analyzes import time
> at startup. We also merged a patch set by William Stein that should
> make a huge difference when running notebook servers since the save
> function there has been rewritten. On saving the notebook
> (which happened every five minutes or so) dropped from nearly four
> minutes to seven seconds. As you can guess that makes a difference.
> Besides that various upgrades and bug fixes, the 3.0.4 release tour
> should contain more info.
> 3.0.4.alpha2 sources can be found in the usual place in
> There will be a sage.math only binary shortly. We now really want to
> push the 3.0.4 release out, so if you have anything it is likely too
> late, but 3.0.5 is coming :)

On Fedora 9, 32 bits:

The following tests failed:

        sage -t  devel/sage/sage/misc/
        sage -t  devel/sage/sage/server/notebook/
        sage -t  devel/sage/sage/finance/time_series.pyx

All known issues I suppose.


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