On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 10:35 PM, Dr. David Kirkby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi all,

Hi Dave,

> I've got a bit further with building sage-3.0.3.alpha1. After a few
> hacks to ntl and flint, I got problems when building polybori

It is a known issue - see below.

> 1) One of the problems that stops this working is in C++ code, and I
> don't know C++ - only C.  Anyone who knows C++ feel they might be able
> to fix polybori on Solaris? If they are a *regular* poster to sage-
> devel, but do not have access to a Sun, I don't mind giving access to
> a Sun Ultra 60 via SSH. I'd obviously ask my machine is not used as a
> hacking platform and would want to know a narrowish range of IPs they
> would use so I can restrict access in the firewall.
> Just be aware, the Sun Ultra 60 is not the fastest machine in the
> world - 2 x 450 MHz, 1 GB RAM. It will take *hours* to compile Sage
> from scratch, so you might want to set off a compilation and return
> later to check on progress.
> 2) Also worth noting is that there appears to be made a call to 'CC',
> which is the name of the Sun C++ compiler. Given I've been using all
> GNU tools up to this point, any compilation of C should have used gcc
> and C++ used g++. The command CC should not have been called. I'm
> guessing a makefile or some script is a bit broken. I'll probably be
> able to sort that out without too much hassle.
> 3) The compiler flag -KPIC, which is used on Sun compilers, is being
> passed to gcc  - usually one finds gcc specific flags passed to a Sun
> compiler, but this is the opposite! I guess one might call it it
> SUNism, which makes a change from GNUism!
> I think gcc will simply ignore this, and since the GNU equivalent (-
> fPIC) is also passed, don't think the compiler flag problem should
> stop this compiling.
> 4) gcc reports Anachronism.
> 5) Due to work commitments, I am going to get far less chance to work
> on this over the next few weeks. I will be working almost 24/7 on real
> (paid) work!  Hence don't expect too much work from me.
> Just for the record, this is a Sun Blade 2000, 2 x 1.2 GHz UltraSPARC
> III+ CPUs, 8 GB RAM, Solaris 10 update 4, gcc 4.0.3, gmake 3.81.
> Below is the errors recorded in install.log


> gcc -o Cudd/epd/so_epd.o -c -O3 -ansi -Wno-long-long -Wreturn-type -g -
> export/home/drkirkby/sage-3.0.3.alpha1/spkg/build/polybori-0.3.1.p3/
> src/boost_1_34_1.cropped -I/export/home/drkirkby/sage-3.0.3.alpha1/
> local/include/python2.5 -Ipolybori/include -ICudd/obj -ICudd/util -
> ICudd/cudd -ICudd/dddmp -ICudd/mtr -ICudd/st -ICudd/epd Cudd/epd/epd.c
> gcc: unrecognized option '-KPIC'
> /opt/SUNWspro/bin/CC -o polybori/src/so_BoolePolyRing.o -c -O3 -ansi -
> Wno-long-long -Wreturn-type -g -fPIC -ftemplate-depth-100 -g -fPIC -
> home/drkirkby/sage-3.0.3.alpha1/spkg/build/polybori-0.3.1.p3/src/
> boost_1_34_1.cropped -I/export/home/drkirkby/sage-3.0.3.alpha1/local/
> include/python2.5 -Ipolybori/include -ICudd/obj -ICudd/util -ICudd/
> cudd -ICudd/dddmp -ICudd/mtr -ICudd/st -ICudd/epd polybori/src/
> BoolePolyRing.cc
> CC: Warning: Option -ansi passed to ld, if ld is invoked, ignored
> otherwise
> CC: Warning: Option -Wno-long-long passed to ld, if ld is invoked,
> ignored otherwise
> CC: Warning: Option -Wreturn-type passed to ld, if ld is invoked,
> ignored otherwise
> CC: Warning: Option -fPIC passed to ld, if ld is invoked, ignored
> otherwise
> CC: Warning: Option -ftemplate-depth-100 passed to ld, if ld is
> invoked, ignored otherwise
> CC: Warning: Option -fPIC passed to ld, if ld is invoked, ignored
> otherwise


Well, we are using CC here when the makefile should be using g++. The port
of PolyBoRi to the Sun Forte compiler will likely be an adventure. I forced
SCons for my Solaris builds to prefer g++ over CC on Solaris since the
default is CC over g++.



> >

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